
Over on Threads, there is outrage over some fanfic writer selling fan fiction ( or I believe that is the case) and it makes me think of how silly the whole thing is. People getting upset over FF writers doing “whatever” .. when no one is addressing the bigger issue -
That FF writers take characters that actual real authors have written and developed ( over years and years in some cases) and just plonked them into a different setting/ situation. Everyone ( including the actual author) is OK with it. Weird.
That's just storytelling though. That's been going on for as long as humans have told stories.
Well yes. I know. And, fan fiction is just another way of telling a story. However, it seems someone is trying to make $$ from fan fiction ( Though I’m not entirely sure how) and FF writers and Authors alike are outraged by it yet..
People have been making money off fan art for ages. Fan art is often displayed in museums. Why shouldn't fic get the same recognition?