A. Rivera

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A. Rivera


Academic librarian. Avid reader, book blogger, reviewer. Student of #Tarot, oracle cards, and cartomancy.

"Knowledge is Power. Guard it well."

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#Tarot card of evening: Two of Pentacles. Others may try to upset your order of things, but you are nimble and adaptable. Reorganize, realign, and set a new balance. Just smiled, adjust, keep going. #NightSunTarot #occultsky
#Tarot card of evening: Nine of Wands. Sure, things may be piling up, and your task list just got longer. Don't panic. Take deep breath, assess, and realign priorities as needed. One more hard drive to finish strong, so persevere. #NightSunTarot #occultsky
Sorry about that, break in the politics/social issues/activist stuff moratorium. Here are, yet again, cute #kittens.
It has been brought to our attention there has been a brief drop in the politics/social issues/activist stuff moratorium. Management apologizes for any distress to your feeds, and to make it right here are once more cute #kittens.
#JulyDeckBond Day 25. Prompt: Coldest card. Card: Judgement-XX. Deck: Tarot V. #Tarot #TarotV #occultsky
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Strength-XI. Trying to match wits with a possible bully is not worth your energy. Be strong and firm in your boundaries, but otherwise just be restrained and let them burn themselves out. #NightSunTarot #occultsky
#Tarot card of evening: Queen of Wands. You may be dealing with an overly meddlesome and overbearing person. Best to stay on the side lines. Use your creativity to work around them as you can. #NightSunTarot #occultsky
One of higher ups pulled a #SwoopAndPoop in morning meeting. I am trying to look at it positively since, as dad often says, as long as they give you work, you are good. Worry when they don't give you any. In #Tarot, time for me to do Eight of Pentacles. #VampiresTarotOfTheEternalNight #occultsky
#JulyDeckBond Day 24. Prompt: Angriest person/being. Card: The Moon-XVIII. Deck: Tarot V. #Tarot #TarotV #occultsky
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: The Emperor-IV. Before you lead others, make sure you are organized and have resources in place. Show the way and let them choose to follow and implement. Nurture stability, consistency, balance, and fairness. #NightSunTarot #occultsky
#Tarot card of evening: Knight of Swords. Enforce your boundaries and cut out distractions so you can focus on your learning and craft. Some are out there trying to trick you or deceive you. Be alert, careful, cut them out and move on. #NightSunTarot #occultsky
A suggestion for something useful in these #HardTimes that often feature poor excuses for #journalism and a lot of sensationalism "Is it legit? Five steps for vetting a news source." newslit.org/tips-tools/i... (You can download the graphic below as PDF here) #news #InformationLiteracy
#JulyDeckBond Day 23 Prompt: Smallest person/being. Card: Strength-VIII Deck: Tarot V. #Tarot #TarotV #occultsky
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Strength-XI. People and events in the #HardTimes may test you. This is where balance comes in, but you'll also need patience and strong will. Self-control, but also be firm in enforcing your boundaries. #NightSunTarot #occultsky
#Tarot card of evening: Two of Pentacles. You may have some busy times ahead, but if you focus you should be able to handle it Be careful and wise in any decisions you may need to take. #NightSunTarot #occultsky
FWIW, and only thing I'll say about him dropping out. I think it was the #RealOwners saying "drop, or we are not writing the checks." But, I am not a pundit nor play one on TV. In #Tarot, can be a Four of Pentacles (the donors). Biden's card could be Eight of Cups (departure). #NewsThroughTarot
#JulyDeckBond Day 22. Prompt: Winged creature. Card: The High Priestess-II. Deck: Tarot V. #Tarot #TarotV #occultsky
#JulyDeckBond Day 21 Prompt: Most bizarre card. Card: Five of Wands. Deck: Tarot V. #Tarot #TarotV #occultsky
#JulyDeckBond Day 20. Prompt: Dreamiest card. Card: Five of Cups. Deck: Tarot V. #Tarot #TarotV #occultsky
#Tarot card of evening: The Devil-XV. Devil may be tempting you to slack off, but this is not a time to take it easy. This is a time to nurture your creative fire, focus, and manifest your visions. Kick that lazy temptation away and charge ahead. #NightSunTarot #occultsky
#Tarot card of evening: Knight of Wands. That urge to create now, pursue it. Don't let this creative spark pass. Rather pay attention to it, nurture it, and grow it to fruition. #NightSunTarot #occultsky
#JulyDeckBond Day 19 Prompt: Card showing poverty. Card: Nine of Swords. Deck: Tarot V. #Tarot #TarotV #occultsky
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: The World-XXI. When you liberate yourself, remove binds and obstacles you'll find yourself a new and better outlook. Integrate the lessons and get ready for a new start. #NightSunTarot #occultsky
#Tarot card of evening: The Devil-XV. What do you need to break off? What do you need to liberate yourself from? Reflect on this honest and realize you can remove the chains. Do better for yourself. #NightSunTarot #occultsky
#JulyDeckBond Day 18 Prompt: Card showing abundance. Card: Seven of Cups. Deck: Tarot V. #Tarot #TarotV #occultsky
When some site tells me to "create a free account or log in" to view/engage. . . (When they do that shit, what they tell me is they do not want me there, and I am OK leaving. I was always taught never go where you are not invited.) #Internet #enshittification #tech #fuckery