
I’d prefer that both presidential candidates were younger and sharper, but I don’t buy “singularly uncomfortable.” We’ve had old, questionably physically and/or mentally fit presidents before. I kind of feel like one candidate being entirely lawless is more singular.
The special counsel’s report and President Biden’s performance at a last-minute news conference on Thursday night placed his age, the singularly uncomfortable subject looming over his re-election bid, back at the center of America’s political conversation.
Also, with both candidates being elderly, one becomes more concerned about the people they hire to run the country. Biden’s people will be at worst, to riff on P.J. O’Rourke, wrong within normal parameters, while Trump’s people will be historically sociopathic. Not a close call.
Or to put it another way, Biden will pick people who ameliorate his foibles, while Trump will pick people who enable them.
To a degree. Who is offsetting Biden’s acquiescence in Netanyahu’s savaging of Gaza?
only we, the people. however, trump won't help palestine in any way. he will simply bring the same kind of thing here, and all hope of us doing anything ever? gone.
Of course. Saying this loudly for the folks in the back: criticizing Biden is not the same thing as endorsing Trump. I despise that orange shitstain. I also want Biden to do better where he has been wrong.