
It's easy to be cynical when a review starts with 'best game ever' but this goes far beyond hype to well reasoned exuberance. I've struggled with Root and Oath so had held off on Arcs but it's breed of improvisational tactics and vibes-based strategy has me intrigued.
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Looking at the rulebook for Arcs and it looks to avoid my least favorite elements of Root/Oath in their rules reading like a legal textbook. At a glance it has a fantastic layout. How's everyone finding the teach for it?
Cole taught it at Origins to me and a few other ppl and the teach was 15 min but the gameplay clicked for me about 5 rounds in.
Nice! I'd normally avoid learning a heavy game like that amidst the distractions of a convention but sounds promising!
There is a very large play area at Origins. So it was difficult to hear at times, but overall pretty good experience.
I was taught it at Expo and the group had the fundamentals down after a couple of turns. I am planning to pre-order the core and the card expansion. Leave the campaign until I know if it resonates with my players.
Good to know, it certainly looks relatively elegant, assuming some familiarity with trick taking.
Hmm. Although it uses the clothing of trick taking it isn't really that. I'm not sure how much familiarity would be necessary.
Oh for sure, i just mean that internalizing the language of trick takers probably helps to a degree. Or maybe it's more of a distraction in mixed expectations.
I feel like his designs really only work if you have the same group that's going to play it many times - which I don't have. This one looks more accessible, so I'm hoping someone I know picks up a copy!
That's been my thought but not sure how much of that is wishful thinking 😅
Root is great. My group keeps bouncing hard off Oath. Arcs seems to be great on the first few plays.
I really liked my limited experience with Oath but it was such a beast to learn, it really needs a dedicated group to internalize it's systems.
This design team has "solved" their biggest flaws in Arcs: the complicated thematic bits are tucked away in the campaign's fate system ("factional" asymetry bits), which is built on top of a solid and sensible base which functions GREAT on its own. You can learn that, and then get weird later .
Sounds like a fascinatingly organic way to tutorialise some of the more involved mechanics!
It's kind of by accident - Oath and to a lesser extent Root are built with the factions in mind. The arcs campaign was more modular to start needing a more stable spine. That spine turned out to be good enough to make its own product.
I love Root but never got it played with my group. So when I saw Root in space on KS I was like, I'd love to play but don't need. Seeing this very different take that ended up launching and Tom's excellent review, I want to play this so badly now. I think I'll adore it.
Root really needs the right group (and Oath even more so). I've been trying to revisit Root for years but can't get my current group coordinated for it. I want to believe that Arcs is more accessible, at least it plays better at lower player counts.
Was not on my radar, given complaints I've heard about Root and Oath. Now I'm off to see what other reviewers have to say before possibly trying to get a copy.
I think it's still firmly in a niche space of heavy games but does look to alleviate some of the pain points of their earlier games.
After watching more videos, despite only being $48 on Miniature Market, I'm going to pass. I already have Eclipse, StarCraft, and Forbidden Stars - all heavy space combat games. They rarely hit the table, so don't expect Arcs would either. The card play looks clever. Maybe need to sell one.
Space games are definitely tough to table, though this looks much shorter than most.