
Trump is apparently holding a rally at Temple today, which, (1) what the fuck, alma mater, and (2) how many prospective Trump voters are actually going to drive to north philly
Or is the idea that they can drive to the Liacouras Center, park in the attached lot, do their little Five Hours’ Hate, and then drive straight home feeling brave for having dared
The "Trumpheads" who follow him around will be there.
I hope Philly gives them a nice personal welcome.
Re 1: The optics of turning down a political rally by the de facto candidate of one of the two major parties if you’re a state school have got to be awful; I’m sadly not surprised.
Re 2: they’re actively courting Black voters and I wish the democrats would take that more seriously. He did a big rally in the Bronx earlier in the month. Just peeling 5-10% of the Black vote off would make life _incredibly_ difficult for Biden and there’s every indication they’ll succeed in that.