
I have the ad schedule off and run 3min ads an hour when I go to the bathroom UwU
I like pre-rolls gone gone but that method works too if you're peeing 1/hour But also your hydrate redeems might be too cheap if you're peeing 1/hour
I mean even if I don’t pee I do it because I check social media…I drink water a lot and beer too. And just go to the bathroom alot because of anxiety and…well, peeing xD
I may be in the minority, but I enjoy adverts when they are things I would enjoy knowing about. Which is why I don't mind that corporate ghouls are thirsty for my purchase analytics. I just wish they weren't so bad at targeting me with ads.
Yeah I never mind sitting through 3 minutes of ads an hour to help support my streaming friends if I can't afford to sub directly. At least they're making a LITTLE scratch. Some people are very negative about them though... they forget the pain of fucking network TV where ads are 17 min/hour
Yeah, for the youngin's out there the reason why the cartoons from the 80s and 90s you're watching now are 20 minutes long and not a half hour? Because of no less than 5 commercial breaks taking up the other 1/3 of the programming slot.