
Oh bloody hell America!! Biden Vs Trump AGAIN. 🤦🏼🙄 Thoughts & Prayers.
Wish Democrat's would find a competent, vibrant younger person to take over from Biden.
Pete Buttegieg is in the wings, but with 2 small kids don't think he wants it yet. You need a big name against T-rump. Biden may be older but he's still sharper than that sack o'lard even on his worst day. He also surrounds himself with younger, vibrant minds, not sycophants,& uses their advice.
I think Biden is a decent bloke but whether he can be quick witted enough against the orange psycho is debatable.
He may be slowing down but he's still of sound mind & wants what's best for his country. Unlike The Donald & his family who are just out for themselves. It's a helluva choice for sure, but it's unthinkable that this is happening.
There are more liberals & progressives in my country compared to Conservatives. It’s just Conservatives are loud whiney easily offended cry babies so you notice those Fascist, Racist, ethnocentric, hateful, homophobic butt holes mores. 😖
Also, Biden has done a commendable job bringing back jobs to my country, trying to rebuild Allie’s’ trust to the office of President & he possesses enough empathy to try to help the middle class in our country. Middle class had been shrinking steadily here.