
Dems were one Comey letter away from a 5-4 liberal court!
“democrats have to win every election forever” is not a sustainable solution and it is quite literally the one we are facing unless we break the power of this court
If you want to turn SCOTUS into a weak House of Lords, that's its own thing. If you want a liberal SCOTUS you elect Dem presidents until Thomas and Alito die.
Optional retirement makes this hard to pull off (you can’t risk losing a single election), so the answer is to make it illegal for justices to ever retire. The Drop Dead On The Bench act
Constitution does not include any provision for judges to retire, states they have to serve while having good behavior. Allowing judges to retire is a violation of the letter and sure let's say the spirit of the law.
I like that this implies you can involuntarily nominate someone to remove them from other roles.
like sending a troublesome aristocrat into the priesthood