
this is such an anti-child policy too, from the party trying to protect the children. libraries and after-school programs were a godsend for my parents, who were both working, when they weren't available to get me right after school. they are an incredibly valuable resource for families!!!
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
It was my favorite place when I was a kid. They’re all ghouls.
my local library was so great too, they even used to create all kinds of contests where kids could track what books they read and get stickers and treats and stuff. i used to spend hours and hours there every week, idk where i would've been otherwise!
Ours was 75% kids who rode their bikes or walked there without parents, too.
I'll definitely be sticking with Eastern white potatoes from now on, Idaho.
When fascists say “protect” in this context (and pretty much every other context tbh) they really mean “control.” It’s disgusting and terrifying
and like coming from this as an adoptee, i am extremely hypersensitive to anything that even remotely approaches treating children like property. you do not own your kids!!! they are people!!!!