
As an east coast native, the east coast has nothing on the Midwest when it comes to illegal fireworks.
If you grew up on the west coast, I think you never quite grow accustomed to the east coast thing where every neighborhood sounds like it’s having a moderately disorganized battle each evening for a week around the 4th of July.
I can’t speak to the west coast, never lived there. But the east coast mind simply cannot comprehend the amount of fireworks you can buy in Wisconsin for like $5.
Wyoming says, “Hold my beer.”
Oh man, just east side in Houston is already wild. When you get outside the city limits tho, then you’re really talking.
Maybe it's different now but I don't even remember anyone having fireworks in suburban PA growing up. Any fireworks I saw were at professional displays. We had sparklers and those popper things and those snakes that came out of the little puck.
Maybe once a year one dude on our block would drive to a different state and come back with mortar firework and the whole street would be very excited to see it go but I don't think the east coast can claim firework superiority lol
Yeah it HEAVILY depends on where you live, I just had no idea how massive the culture was here for doing tons of massive illegal fireworks shows all the time.
Arizona is very different. It's the Somme outside during July 4th and New Years. Just constant drumfire air fireworks from every neighborhood near me from 8pm 1am.
I’ve never been to Arizona for anything other than Spring Training but the desert does seem like a great place to shoot off a ton of fireworks tbh.
No it's not at all hahaha. Fire related 911 calls on that citizen app last night across the valley:
Oh wow lol that’s slightly terrifying actually