
One of the things discussed in here recently about comics writing is the importance of not having a character do multiple actions per panel. BUT this is not as far as it goes: Sometimes you want to have an action or gesture or reaction over multiple panels. Because timing is IMPORTANT.
Whether it’s dramatic or comedic, timing is CRUCIAL. And comics, almost uniquely, lets you play with it to emphasise your point.
Timing is why everyone loves the action in good kung fu movies more than almost all Western movies. Timing is what makes movie or tv dialogue SING. Don’t remove tools from your box just for the sake of expediency and cramming as much “content” on the page as possible.
I had someone some years back tell me that I should have removed multiple panels, as they weren't needed for the final punchline. I tried to explain to them that how you get to that punchline is often the most important part of the joke.
Yes!! Arriving at the joke too late OR too early means it falls flat.
Also, think about something like the manga Blame! It has pages and pages of the main character going through the endless city, and if you just cut to the action or dialogue it would be 10% of the length, but the story is about the city itself, ever expanding. Those vistas are incredibly important.