Brenda Maier

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Brenda Maier

Children’s author, gifted education specialist, and mom of five. Hobbies include traveling, tricking kids into thinking for themselves, and reading way past my bedtime.
My daughter showed me how to make onigiri, and I ate it for the first time. And we ordered molds so she can make it at college this fall.
Weekly POLL: List something you enjoyed doing or learning this past week that has NOTHING to do with work or self-promo. #CommunityPolls If posting an image, please try to use alt text.
I know authors need websites, but I dragged my feet for years on re-designing mine because I didn't "know someone" who does it. If you can rec someone, please add in the comments so other people will have an easier time than I did. (I used Websy Daisy, & I love it! And I'm not being paid.😉) #kidlit
Another square marked off my author Bingo card—this time it was being interviewed by a puppet! Thanks to the Austin Public Library’s The Van Show for the most delightful interview I’ve ever had! @austinpubliclibrary
Hey, ALA-bound friends! Come say hi if you can! I’ll be signing PENGUIN AND PANDA on Sunday at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm, and I’m signing LITTLE GREEN SWING, a modern folktale retelling, on Monday at 9:00 am. I’d love to connect with more bibliophiles!
Thanks, friend! 🩷 I’ll also be signing my upcoming @scholastic picture book retelling, LITTLE GREEN SWING!
My friend and critique partner, Brenda Maier will be at ALA signing copies of her adorable new graphic novel series! Love PENGUIN AND PANDA!
I definitely wouldn’t call this a hobby, but it was an educational, interesting thing. We took a gold mine tour while in Colorado, and I now have a gold dust-flecked rock for my class collection. Kids will love seeing it!
POLL: Tell us one fun or interesting thing (personal hobby, interest, etc.) you did or learned this past week that ISN'T about work or self-promo. Doesn't have to be major, can be small & fleeting. Also browse my previous related poll, inspired by's post. #CommunityPolls
I feel the same—love critique days and the Oxford comma! Can we add Panera desserts?
Critique group days are my favorite. And not just because I get to hang out with Catren, Brenda, and Tiffany (note the Oxford comma!) Okay, mostly because of that. Although I also love getting their feedback. #amwriting #critiquegroup #kidlit
First post! I’m excited to collect with kidlit people here! #kidlit
End of feed.