
7 years ago today: China approves 38 new Trump trademarks 6 years ago: Trump asked witnesses about interviews with special counsel 5 years ago: Manafort says "humiliated and ashamed" at sentencing 4 years ago: Trump says to leave passengers with COVID-19 on cruise ship to keep case numbers low
7 years ago today: Trump signs order restricting entry to US by people from Muslim countries 6 years ago: Stormy Daniels sues Trump; Conway found to violate Hatch Act 5 years ago: Manafort sentenced to prison 4 years ago: Controversy over federal response after Trump plays down COVID outbreak at CDC
I still remember well how "Manna-fort" just appeared out of the sky. It was raining campaign managers with Russian contacts and who work for free.
This is a great public service 🙏
I realize you are already doing an immense public service with this list, and I would love links.
ah, I just don't have room from Memeorandum archive for that day
Thanks. Figure you are pulling from somewhere anyway.
Witnesses in special counsel probe link: