
If we're talking history jobs (for it is the discourse in The Other Place), what you actually need to know is this: - In 2008, hiring for history profs dropped by nearly half and never recovered. - As a result, history departments are shrinking and history education in the USA suffers. 1/
- This is a result of political choices to defund history and the humanities generally, as we dis-invest from our universities and universities shift funds to administration, student life and STEM. - History remains popular with students, but it is increasingly less available. 2/
- This is exacerbated by a culture of callous disregard among many (not all) tenure-track faculty towards non-tenure track academics. But fundamentally the issue is that so long as the field is being shrunk much more rapidly than student enrollments, all problems get worse. 3/
Fundamentally, what the public needs to understand about academic history are not the current political buzzwords, it is this: Our students, and you are being actively robbed of the great public history programs your tax dollars, and those of your parents, built. 4/
Americans deserve high quality, rigorous, accurate and careful historical education, but outside a handful of elite private institutions, the system that produces that is being dismantled out of a mix of political malice and short-sighted, self-interested mismanagement. 5/
Finally, it would be really great if some of the high profile historians with far greater reach than me who work from secure positions at elite private universities would use their platforms to advocate for our field. It shouldn't be NTTs out here, leading the charge, it should be you. /end