Brian Christiansen

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Brian Christiansen

Dad, Husband. Lead Product Designer ⛈️Drummer. EVs, bicycles, trees, tea, UConn alumnus. #NUFC #MAWX also @[email protected]
My newest stance on Biden’s age and health: If the party wants him to step down, Nancy Pelosi (83), Jim Clyburn (83), and Chuck Schumer (73) should all say they too will resign, to show how serious they see the situation on age and capability within the party.
Congrats to our French brothers and sisters for holding of a right wing extremist take over of their democracy.
Tomorrow morning my 15 year old starts Drivers Ed. I figured he could use a little practical experience before to help abstract concepts seem more real. So I had him drive me to the end of the driveway. And then he backed back down. And...
Love that the TdF added gravel this year. It’s driving me a little crazy that Bobke keeps calling the sectors “cobbles”—vocal muscle memory?
I’d like to participate in political polls, but I don’t trust anyone who texts me from an unknown number. I’m already on too many political email lists I didn’t sign up for. Makes me question all polling numbers. Who is responding to these texts that look like spam? Do people who answer lean MAGA?
I always find these types of things fun to go through. The URL speaks for itself. — I especially enjoy checking out the nodes in the more remote places. Thanks to @[email protected] for sharing it.
Changing settings left’n’right on Microdotblog today. If you’re reading this from Mastodon and my account suddenly vanishes in the next couple days, it’s because I started using my domain as my user name… I haven’t figured it out fully just yet, so I’m unsure if you’ll even see this.
One of the things I love in July is waking up at putting the Tour de France on. I haven’t been able to watch it live until today. Unfortunately since NBC shut down NBC Sports, the race is no longer broadcast fully on TV. Apparently only a...
US Soccer (USMNT) has more talent than ever. Is it Berhalter? I’m not sure it’s his fault? 2026 is going to be here before we know it.😔
After today’s Supreme Court ruling, the majority should be indicted as Trump’s co-conspirators after the fact. Biden needs a Supreme Court reform strategy now.
Always proud to support my ancestors’ football team, but my Danes had a tough draw trying to knock off the hosts Germany today at The Euros. The VAR gods didn’t need to pile on as well.⚽️🇩🇰
Typically if I am not doing my “day job”, I am not using a desktop (laptop). My personal Mac was from 2017 and in need of an update, so I bought a new M3 MacBook Air 13”, which arrived (days early) Wednesday. I’ve spent much of today noodling with it—still on the charge that shipped in the box.
The Supreme Court is officially broken. They just broke how the Federal Gov’t has worked since the 70s, a precedent established by conservatives. The precedent, Chevron v. NRDC, is one of the most cited in US law. There have been 70 SCOTUS decisions relying on it, along with 17k in the lower courts.
At this point I’d vote for a chatbot trained on Joe Biden speeches over anyone put up by the criminal syndicate that currently runs the Republican Party. (Note: I am not a Democrat)
If my choice is between a man that has trouble with public speaking, and a convicted criminal who lies with every breath he draws? No contest. FDR was one of the most successful presidents ever, and did so from a wheelchair in the final...
Inspired by this video last night, No ride is too short, I took a lunchtime ride. What I thought was going to be just a couple miles of spinning lead to me going up and over a steep power line hill while very much out of shape. Now I’m gassed but still have to work this afternoon.
This Celtics team epitomizes what the Boston area really appreciates with its character. There is no team more worthy, and this is a well-earned title.
I know he’s 80+, and I know that he gets harsh criticism over how Israel is conducting their war with U.S. support, but man, Biden is really managing a lot right now, and mostly well. Ukraine, Israel, strong economy, meaningful environmental reform. He deserves a lot more credit.
I don’t think anyone can pass judgement on this based on a presentation. We’ll have to dig deeper to understand if there ethical or environmental consequences of this AI integration at the OS level. But the genie is out of the bottle on AI. No going back. It’s up to us what to do with it.
Pretty excited about these Apple Intelligence announcements. But now we wait for two things. Reports from beta users, and the trickle of all the features that got overshadowed or plain not shown in the keynote. Some of my favorite features hide there. #WWDC
So naturally, my first thoughts are, “I should get a new bike, this one’s nearly 15 years old. I could probably get something nice for around $3k.” The look on my wife’s face was not amused. (But my current bike would go to my son wh...
Took my first bike ride in over a year, a longer time away than I ever would have imagined (for reasons). I felt less out of shape than I imagined I would have.
It’s been 20(?) years of video auto playing on web pages, and I’ve yet to find a person who likes that, even when it’s not an ad! And yet, it continues.
Tesla’s stock down 29% and now it’s own CEO is trying to divert some it’s very hard to get AI chips to a different company (that he owns entirely, unlike how he only owns 20% of Tesla)… for anyone other than Musk this is an instant dismissal (if not a lawsuit) but instead, Elon demands a pay raise?
I have a lot of respect for LeBron. Undeniably a top-5 all time player. But he said of former teammate Kyrie Irving,“He’s the most gifted player the NBA has ever seen.” Mental health issues aside, top 10 in his current generation? Sure. But “most gifted all time”?
Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised, and maybe it shouldn’t be remarkable, but Google Meet does a really nice job of switching from your phone to your computer, mid-meeting (and visa versa). Kudos to them. Also Companion mode is also useful. (We use Meet at work)