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He/him. I like buses, trains, bikes, and making more places where I can do the above. Plus nature stuff.
The buses on DSLSD move more than 10% of all people using the road but are less than 1% of all vehicles.
This is literally the opposite of your argument as more transit riders saves people money while taking up less space.
"No one represents car driver opinions except the STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION." A very small nonprofit with limited sway, as everyone knows.
Even the IDOT plan lacks dedicated bus lanes, they lament adding transit capacity (an action they lauded earlier in the editorial) would reduce general driving lanes, and finally, if it's a lot of suburbanites, why is Chicago paying for it?
TFW a driver recommends that you wear a reflective vest "so you can be seen more easily" and you get to respond "maybe you should be a better driver if you can't see me on a clear, sunny day." (Pictured: the clear, sunny day in question)
Rando driver, I am riding a bright red cargo ebike. If you can't see me, that's a problem with you.
I mean, you can see it right now on Traffic View. A better question though is what kind of traffic besides passenger cars is now using the other routes and are we exacerbating environmental equity issues?
In Slate, I explained why the Key Bridge collapse probably won't worsen traffic congestion -- despite most people assuming otherwise.
What Will Happen to Traffic in the Wake of the Baltimore Bridge Collapse? People are surprisingly good at adjusting when a road closes.
There is a widespread desire to be known as the first to successfully accomplish something.
There are more people on this bus than in all the vehicles in the lane in front of us. And we are crawling and behind schedule because of them. River Road needs a dedicated bus lane. #waroncars
End of feed.