
Brother, if you don't realize that this is how they think of you, you will never be able to defend yourself when they start killing your loved ones, which they discuss doing openly and brazenly now.
Why do you want to imitate how they think of us. The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.
This is an empty platitude, throughly defeated throughout the years. Lorde was fucking wrong. The confederates that want a return to Jim crow are at your door, about to win the civil war finally. Do you want to be right, or do you want to protect what you hold dear
“I have to call my bigoted enemies slurs to defeat them” is not at all the winning argument you think it is. It is fully possible to fight bigotry without being a bigot.
BRO THEY ARE WALKING DOWN OUR STREETS WITH GUNS. THEY ARE KILLING PROTESTERS AND BEING PARDONED BY THE STATE. I don't have the benefit of living wherever the fuck you live, these people are gonna come into my neighborhood and they will have more than bigoted slurs for us
These people think Jesus christ told them that white skin is divine and that everyone else is chattel to be subjugated. They are armed at a rate of 3-20 guns per person. And the supreme court just gave them all implicit permission to do a day of the rope if their guy wins.
If you think that even they don't deserve to be described with mean words, then I guess we'll just have to disagree. I would like to submit that I've lived next to these monsters my whole life, so maybe I have a different view of them. Good luck. You'll apparently need it.
I’m a Black dude born and raised in the South. Please explain racism to me.
Well are you still here ? This seems like a crazy thing to argue about if you did. I live in 37208, they already putting klan fliers in our hood. I can't call the people who did this subhuman because it ain't praxis? You're just fucking wrong.
'They see Tennessee as a battleground.' Data points to rise of hate in Hate groups have turned their attention to Tennessee, dialing up their rhetoric against African-Americans, immigrants and members of the LGBTQ community in ways that watchdogs find alarming.
How is it wrong for a Black man to say “Don’t call me a nigger and don’t lynch me” or a Disabled man to say “Don’t call me a retard and don’t lynch me.”
I'm arguing that it's ok to call the people that want to do that to you a slur. That's my argument.
Thinking it's okay to use ableist slurs and not racist or homophobic ones very clearly illustrates that you think being disabled is demeaning and disabled people are worthy of your contempt. Otherwise why would you use a word for intellectual disability as an insult?
If you can't see why calling someone the r-slur as an insult is equivalent to calling someone a faggot as an insult, that says a whole lot about what you think about disabled people's value as humans.