Briony Neilson

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Briony Neilson

Historian of France - incarceration of juveniles, prisons, penal colonies (esp New Caledonia). Living and working on the land of the Gadigal people of the Eora nation (Sydney, Australia)
Your unsolicited anagram of the name of a person born on this day – 10 July – in Smiljan, Croatia, in 1856 is Nikola Tesla => Silent Koala
Your unsolicited anagram of the name of a person born on this day - 6 June - in Moscow in 1799 is Alexander Pushkin => Unexplained shark 🗃️
Registration is now open for this year's Rudé conference in French history and culture, 11–13 July! Attend in-person at Macquarie Uni in Sydney and via zoom. A great array of papers - see screenshots of the draft program. Register here: 🗃️
Could there be a library with a more fantastic doorway than this? The 16th-century monster face entrance of the Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome used to open to a garden, these days it leads into the Max Planck Institute art history library. Lucky, lucky art historians. 🗃️
Your unsolicited anagram of the name of a person born on this day – 14 May – in Newtown, Wales, in 1771 is Robert Owen => Newer robot
Your unsolicited anagram of the name of a person born on this day – 13 May – in London in 1907 is Daphne du Maurier => Ha! I murdered a pun.
Your unsolicited anagrams of the name of a person born on this day - 11 May - in Paris in 1801 is Henri Labrouste => Herbal routines Honest reburial Brutal heroines 🗃️
Your Unsolicited Anagram of the Name of a Person Born on This Day – 8 May – in Surrey in 1737 is Edward Gibbon => Robed windbag 🗃️
It’s been a particularly rainy few days in Sydney, but the Gaza encampment at the University of Sydney stands strong, calling for an end to the uni’s complicity in the genocidal slaughter and for a free Palestine.
A Concorde carry-on bag from the 1970s. Dark blue cotton canvas fabric with white trim, plastic handle, brass zip, and black vinyl lining. Printed on one side "𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘦 – 1ᴇʀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴄᴏᴜʀʀɪᴇʀ sᴜᴘᴇʀsᴏɴɪqᴜᴇ" (Concorde – 1st long-haul supersonic flight)
Your Unsolicited Anagram of the Name of a Person Born on This Day – 29 April – in 1837 is Georges Boulanger => A generous blogger
🗃️ Over on the H-France email list, the son of the late Charles Tilly is offering boxes of his dad's collection of microfilm of 17th–20th-century material from French archives. Please someone take them so that all those years of research and archiving don't just get chucked in the bin.
Happy Birthday to JMW Turner born on this day (23 April)* in 1775. 'Distant View of Coblenz and Ehrenbreitstein,' c.1839 (watercolour and gouache on blue wove paper, Tate collection) * Also the birthdays of William Shakespeare (1564) and Sergei Prokofiev (1891)
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🗃️ So excited to post the call for papers for a special issue of French Historical Studies on incarceration (broadly defined—eg prisons, asylums, penal colonies, detention camps etc) in French & francophone histories. Co-edited by Sophie Fuggle and me. Papers are due 15 Aug 2024. Please share!!
Staff at Paris's Museum of Natural History prepare specimens of toxic mushrooms for display at the 18th Salon du champignon in October 1968
In the 1940s the gardens of the Tate Gallery in central London were used by local residents to grow leafy vegetables (Tate Archive)
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Reposted byAvatar Briony Neilson
RIP Robert Badinter, instrumental in getting the death penalty abolished in France in 1981. Here he is (at right between actor Yves Montand & Médecins sans frontières founder Bernard Kouchner) in June 1984 at the Pitié Salpétrière Hospital in Paris, mourning the death of their friend Michel Foucault
For people in Sydney: Prof Julian Jackson will be giving a public lecture (in person) at Sydney Uni on his new book about the trial of Pétain at 6pm on 5 March
France on Trial: the Case of Marshal Professor Julian Jackson | Queen Mary University of London
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Reposted byAvatar Briony Neilson
Cover reveal! Hope you like her? I wrote this book when I was teaching non stop and had 0 funding. I’m grateful to Clément Baloup, Kim Thúy, Doan Bui and Anna Moï for their generosity. Vietnamese refugees’ works in French and English (France, USA and Canada). Out later this year 🙏🏻
🗃️ So excited to post the call for papers for a special issue of French Historical Studies on incarceration (broadly defined—eg prisons, asylums, penal colonies, detention camps etc) in French & francophone histories. Co-edited by Sophie Fuggle and me. Papers are due 15 Aug 2024. Please share!!
Life in the centre of Canberra in 1974 (National Archives of Australia)
John La Farge, 'Snow field, Morning, Roxbury,' 1864 (oil on mahogany, Art Institute of Chicago)
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So who wants to do '50 years of Pierre Riviere in English' / 190 years since the case itself next year? HMU 🗃️
Also I thought 'wasn't there something recently' but it's a decade ago :-)
Operators at the Tokyo telephone exchange, c.1900 (National Diet Library collection)
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Your unsolicited anagram of the name of a person born on this day (31 December) in 1869 is Henri Matisse → Inherit a mess