British Fantasy Society

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British Fantasy Society

Latest news updates and reviews from the British Fantasy Society Community. Home to readers, writers, artists and gamers. Love SFFH? Come join us!
Developmental editor Dr Andrew Hodges dives into the tiny world of short stories—and what those at the beginning of their writing journey can glean from the quick that they can’t get from the sprawling novels of speculative fiction.
We are currently experiencing some issues with emails. If you’re trying to get in touch and don’t hear back, please tag us on social media or on the BFS discord. Normal service will resume shortly.
Time to summon our member-driven blog... What does "fantasy" mean to you? What sorts of things does it encompass? What might you come across when reading/watching fantasy things? How would you, as a fan of speculative fiction, explain fantasy to those outside the community? 🧵⬇️
Every Friday, we meet a member of the British Fantasy Society and peer deep into their soul (or, at least, a form they filled out). This week we take a dip into the occult detective waters with Rafe McGregor, creator of Roderick Langham.
We love to shine a light on the volunteers who help keep the BFS running. This time, it's the human behind all those member profiles. She's finally put herself on the chopping block: it's our PR & Marketing Officer,
Thinking about joining the British Fantasy Society but not sure if it's for you? Here are 10 reasons to help sway you to the speculative side... (in the replies) 🧵⬇️
Thinking about putting your hand up to be a BFS mentor, but just not sure what it’s all about? We check in with – a former HWA Mentor of the Year – to hear the what and the why of being a speculative fiction mentor.
How can fantasy writers get first-hand experience of worlds and periods either long gone—or never-were? Alexandra Beaumont is here to argue the case for LARPing as research.
Thanks to all who joined us today for Writing Your Way - whether you were a panelist, a reader, or a participant (and we did love all the chat!). Make sure to catch our next event on 27 July: Crafting a cosy fantasy with
And our last reading for today's event comes from Carol B. Duncan, reading a short story set in her speculative Caribbean world. More about our readers today:
Last panel of the day, and we have, and Rebecca Kaur chatting all things plotting, structuring, and more, all moderated by More about our panelists:
And now we're hearing from's short story, Dog, which has a fantastically engaging voice from the outset. More about our readers today over on the BFS blog:
Now we move into points of view: are you are first or third person writer? Omniscient or close? Or - yikes! - do you dabble in second person POV? Eleanor Pender chats with and Nadya Mercik. More about our panelists:
Back after lunch, and we're kicking off with a reading from, a Chinese Singaporean writer whose next release, Club Contango, is out in November. More about Eliane and our other readers today:
Reading time again, and we're hearing from and the book he currently has out on submission, and its autistic protagonist: Magic, Maps & Mayhem. More about Dave and our other readers today:
Very much enjoying this panel with and about their Specfic For Newbies books ( and their processes and writing thoughts. You can see it on catch up on the page, I believe, if you buy a ticket.
Back from the first break and we're talking SUBGENRES. BFS Chair chats with and, co-authors of Spec Fic for Newbies. Volume 2 was just released this week by!
Our second reading today comes from Carol Carman, who reads from Twicetime, something of a Frankenstein-influenced retelling. More about today's readers:
Next up, we hear from Eve Smith's latest climate thriller One, out now on A world of depleted resources leads to a one-child policy from a hardline UK government. More about today's readings:
See you there? I'm moderating the panel - featuring, Rebecca Kaur & - at 4pm UK time on the all-important question: plotting or pantsing? Which way will reign supreme? Join us to find out!
Who's joining us today? We get started in t-minus 5 minutes!
We're off: We're talking about writing from personal experience - how does our lived experience impact the words & the way we write? Mod - coming direct from an awards do in NZ! - chats with, Calah Singleton &
Who's joining us today? We get started in t-minus 5 minutes!
It's tomorrow, folks. Summer hasn't arrived yet, so spend the day with us and get that glow from the inside. Free for BFS members. £5 for non-members.
Ready for the next BFS event day? The stories we tell matter, as do the way we tell them. From the view we give the reader to the parts of ourselves we lend, a book is a labour of love, crafted layer by layer. What works for one writer won’t always work for another 🧵⬇️
BFS Online: Writing Your Way – The British Fantasy
Every Friday, we meet a member of the BFS and peer deep into their soul (or, at least, a form they filled out). Let's head to Scotland to meet Andy Hodges, whose SFFH awakening came via Dr Who & who writes on the side when his editing work permits.
In this latest edition of her regular column,—co-author of Spec Fic for Newbies (including the just-released Volume 2!)—brings forth the creepy kids.
The final piece of the puzzle for BFS Online: Writing Your Way? That'd be these fab humans reading from their work. The event is this Sat 6 July, with readings throughout the day from Eve Smith, Carol Carman, Eliane Boey & Carol B. Duncan 🧵⬇️
For this last day of Pride month 2024, Katie Bruce reflects on how a recent cinema experience showed her the power of queer representation in our fictional stories.
We're now in the dying moments for the BFS's 2024 short story and art competitions: entries close tonight, 30 June! Details and entry form over on the BFS website:
Join us on 6 July for Writing Your Way, where we'll tackle the Big Question: Plotter or Pantser? Join mod as she chats to CL Hellisen, Rebecca Kaur & about the methods & madness of getting stories told:
Heads up, nerds! Next Saturday, & I will be talking to about *Spec Fic for Newbies: Volume 2* and why creative writing is more important than ever these days! Tickets & details here: