
They tried this four years ago with varying results. The far better use of the money is by buying existing local TV stations and newspapers and staffing them properly
if there is one thing I want to come out of this election, regardless of result, it is Dems - and the left more generally - finally understanding that they need to make their own media ecosystem and stop relying on folks who want them to lose to get their message out
yeah the obliteration of local news - and the fact that what remains has been hoovered up by Sinclair and private equity - has done more damage than even the national level shitshow
idk, local news feels like local radio circa 2001 I don't see any up room and it's pretty obvi to me if it's going to come back as a thing it will look more like Napster than KROQ
It's still where a third of people get their local news and they're the ones most affected by the fuckery (which is not limited to just Sinclair and nexstar)
certainly you could agree maybe it would've been a bad idea if, in fear of Clear Channel's reach the Dems had bought them up, and found themselves investing in a 20th century communication platform? I get the attraction. I'm a news journo myself. But blight won't be beaten back, better to innovate
(also the younger generations are so much larger than remaining baby boomers & X, feels perfect time to find them where they live rather than try to breed a local TV news habit at such a late date imo; write off the 50+ set and focus your party on the future)
If someone with the money had acquired premiere radio networks and taken all major audience conservative radio off the air forever that would have been a very good use of money
if you could've found somebody to burn that money it would've been a good thing for the country but it would've truly been charity I'm not sure anyone has found anything else that actually makes money in that space outside the low cost talk radio format, but I'm all ears
Especially in cities where their newspapers have been obliterated. Which is many of them!