Cogito, ergo cum

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Cogito, ergo cum

Chef monster; I miss old Twitter. ACAB. Feisty sock full of nails. Will help anyone who asks, if I can.
I know things are really bad right now which is why I really, really need to meet a capybara.
New hair. Backlight. Watching the diary of the grizzly man because apparently I hate myself and I just finished “man’s search for meaning.” I’m sure they’re unrelated.
Just finished “Man’s Search For Meaning” and holy cow do I have to sit for a minute.
What does the doctrine of charity mean to you?
Crazy how people are all like “the earth is flat” and “the moon landing was faked” but are never like “Aretha Franklin Never Existed!” Or “Stevie Wonder was a fever dream!”
Serious question: do fingernails grow longer as you get older because you’re dying faster, or because you’re too forgetful to bite them?
I haven’t been railed in a sundress yet, but I did get railed in a Tesla last night & it’s funny because both are poorly designed, difficult to get in & out of, and neither of their map features work.
I have one cat who is needy and is a perfect handsome gentleman who can do no wrong and one cat who is needy and is a fucking standoffish weirdo who won’t accept the attention he’s demanding.
Today I got an appointment with a dentist covered by insurance, alllllll the BS with getting Momb on Medicaid was finalized, I got to take the day off from work, and it’s a beautiful day. Why am I filled with rage.
Someone just told me, “If empathy didn't involve sacrifice, everyone would have it,” and holy shit I need to sit with that for a while.
Column the cops, we’ve been basalted.
i dont do "my sexuality and orientation are-" because i am not even confident in what my favorite food is
Just realized that what I really want in life (this summer) is to get super roughed up by someone I feel safe with is that so much to ask?
Taking people at face value is kind of a cheat code. I assume everyone is telling me the truth. All it takes is one slip up, and then I know what you look like when you’re lying. I wonder how many other witches got their power through trauma. Trial by fire, indeed.
When your safety and health are dependent on the moods of others, you learn from a very young age to detect micro expressions and cues. And you get used to people saying that you’re paranoid or reacting catastrophically.
When your safety and health are dependent on the moods of others, you learn from a very young age to detect micro expressions and cues. And you get used to people saying that you’re paranoid or reacting catastrophically.
He asked what gave him away and I struggled to define it. I’ve been accused of witchcraft after noticing things people try to hide and it’s taken years of therapy to understand that my superpowers are the result of trauma.
He asked what gave him away and I struggled to define it. I’ve been accused of witchcraft after noticing things people try to hide and it’s taken years of therapy to understand that my superpowers are the result of trauma.
I went on a date the other night & the guy was flabbergasted that I could tell he was ex-military before he reluctantly admitted it. It kinda brought home how many tiny little mannerisms I notice out of habit and self-preservation. He’s a sweetheart, btw, just not for me.
I went on a date the other night & the guy was flabbergasted that I could tell he was ex-military before he reluctantly admitted it. It kinda brought home how many tiny little mannerisms I notice out of habit and self-preservation. He’s a sweetheart, btw, just not for me.
Unfortunately for the rest of the world (mostly the people who work here), I have chosen the bar nearest to my work to take potentially weird dates so I have a safe Out. Dammit, I just want some safe Summer Strange. Why are people so fucking weird.
I’m going to try & focus more on here. I miss old Twitter, and it’s gone so far off the rails that I’m genuinely concerned for the future.
If Schrödinger had a cat, what poor creature must have Pascal wagered with?
My Mantis eggs hatched. The 3 snails I accidentally got along with my tadpoles have bred and now I have dozens of tiny snails. Twice a day I get to feed my froglets and watch them hurl themselves around competing for flies. Then I sit in the yard with my cats. This keeps me sane.
My recent bloodwork revealed that I have alarmingly high levels of iron. I love my Doc, but she did not appreciate me referring to myself as “the Iron Maiden,” nor me saying, “that’s so metal,” nor me asking earnestly if vampires were an option. Sigh.
I love the fact that my therapist accepted an emergency phone session after it was revealed that the dude who assaulted me was a fucking PASTOR and also hate the fact that it was necessary.
Dammit, I still haven’t been railed in the back of that RAV. I was hoping to break it in myself, but I guess I got bested by a school bus.