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Posts about AEW, Philly sports

Eagles Feed: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:pis3ks5avm6t3t7mijhqlpnt/feed/aaacvzpa6sfho
Sixers Feed: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:pis3ks5avm6t3t7mijhqlpnt/feed/aaabv7nc3ojas
havana syndrome but it's just the brown note
ty Vishnu!!! hopefully getting fixed really soon!!
ac broke and it's 97 degrees 💅
Having too much to do is the only way I can get anything done!
the good news is that i am temporarily not under-employed (for now) but the even better news is that it is keeping me too stressed and busy to pay attention to anything that i do not have direct control over
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BREAKING NEWS: A 6-year-old boy is floating away in a hot air balloon. Watch live: www.cnn.com/live
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somebody SHOT HIM (he is okay) (i have to specify so nobody gets too excited)
Harvinskins in Camden is apparently the go-to (they're not closed down contrary to what google says they just moved to 8th st)
somebody asked about where to get a salmon cheesesteak in the south jersey food group and the thread got locked because everybody in the comments started fighting
omg mine too, that rules 😭😭 One of the first CDs I ever bought with my own money. 99% of my YouTube activity was the Pro-Test music video on repeat lmao
all I can think about when I see Shane Taylor's logo 🤼
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not a string of words i'd ever expect to encounter
bringing this back to mention that somebody on this app actually wrong a song about this place and it goes
It’s easy to be jealous of my siblings. my sister has a master’s from Harvard and she’s traveling the world rn. My brother is having his first house built. Easy for you, I meant. Neither of them wrote or recorded Pizza Hoagie Omakase. But I did. Those overachieving bitches are jealous of *me.*
Pizza Hoagie Omakaseopen.spotify.com thiiird person · Ep · 2023 · 2 songs.
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Bought a new shirt that can only be worn at one very specific event 🤼
I would simply pretend that I did not see it
They nailed it and then just kept twisting the knife lmao. Luther through a table even?! Couldn't have been more perfectly executed
i am usually too much of a sensitive-hearted baby to appreciate a "tag team breaks up" angle in wrestling (i cried when Goldust attacked R-Truth to end Golden Truth lmaooooo) but Mariah attacking Toni was such a brutal turn that i'm just impressed
The last thing I could have expected to happen at that moment lmao
Oh my gosh???? 🤼
if the chance of rain is under 80% then it is actually 0%. if the chance of rain is over 80% then it is 100%. weather people do not want you to know this hidden industry knowledge
Got our Prince Nana coffee and it's so fresh we could smell it from the porch in its mailing sleeve I'm genuinely hyped 🤼
Also the website is so funny it's a very serious coffee website and you'd have no idea that it's owned by THE prince nana until you get to the verrrrrry bottom and it just has this picture really tiny with no explanation lmao
Google will have people taking bike paths to shave 35 seconds off a route its wild
Lmaooo what a haunted algorithm
We were driving back to south Jersey from Long Island and google made us drive all the way through Manhattan for some reason? When the Belt Parkway was right there? Also I saw my first cybertruck but couldn't point it out because the drive was so bad it might have actually sent Patrick over the edge
One of the most impactful and infuriating algorithms in our lives is the routing algorithm on Google Maps. With 80% market share, it offers us very little control over our routes. If we want better, we will need to support competition like OpenStreetMaps. My latest for NYT Opinion (gift link):
Opinion | Your Driving App Is Leading You Astraywww.nytimes.com Programmed to find the fastest route without consideration of literally anything else, driving apps endanger and infuriate us on a remarkably regular basis.