
Respectfully: If you're on Bluesky right now screaming that Pride Month will be abolished, Trump will be declared king, America is forever ruined: Log off. You are entitled to your feelings, and it's better to let them out than not. But *Do Not Do Death Magic On The Emotional Contagion App.*
Doomer shit is un-American as fuck. Sorry. Factual. This country didn't even consider me a fucking person for half its existence, and the Supreme Court declared Black ppl didn't qualify as US citizens TWICE.
When people say “it’s never been this bad” I can tell their understanding of American history goes back 20 years, max.
Oh, it's been a lot longer that twenty years since it's been this bad. The nation hasn't faced an existential threat this dire since WW2. That said, there are still things we can and should do to stave off the threat.