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Artist | Geek | Mom | Dorkasaurus
She/her Lvl 39
Blue, orange, yellow, white and black… we’ve had such colorful skies lately.
‘The Star’ in tarot is about serenity, peace of mind and hope. I’m so happy with how this card came out because I think it really captured that message. I’m nearly done with the major arcana! Only about 60 cards left to go… 😅
Even with the way the world is, in spite of it all, I have to keep making art. And sometimes that art can represent what I think of some of those responsible for the way the world is.
We’ve loved watching the neighborhood enjoy our little library. But it’s been so popular, it’s always full! And the latch was just a little too high for all ages to reach, so it was time to expand. And now we’re ready for a summer of reading! 📚
The boy and I picked a bunch of mulberries off our zombie mulberry tree. Imma make syrup.
I painted my 6yo in Procreate. I liked what the light was doing and the warmth of the moment.
Sometimes I see these paintings of *nothing* at like Michael’s and IKEA and I like to add things to them. I’m not sure what to do with this one yet, right now I’m thinking a sunken mech skeleton in the distance a la Nausicaä but I’m not sure. Thoughts?
Ma’am. You’re doing so awesome, just girl-bossing and laying your eggs and stuff - but if I could offer some constructive feedback? It’s just that I think it might be easier if your spot was maybe not like ON the road. It’s a bit late now, so I guess just pack that away for next year. 🐢
I’m making more mini books.
I’m quite pleased with how this tiny copy of Good Omens by @neilhimself.neilgaiman.com and Terry Pratchett turned out 😈 😇
I also did the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas - which completes my mini Maasverse! I love the new covers that came out last year so I had to use those.
Now that it’s been a few days and I’ve cooled down - somewhat - I can admit my most recent shame.
New cosplay reveal!!! Catch Captain Marvel and Cyclops at #MC3 today and tomorrow!
Not much action yet tonight but I caught this Block M near Ann Arbor. Go Bl-Purple?
We were in the middle of DnD and the kids were asleep. But we had to try… We called the game early and threw the kids in the car to head to the apple orchard to try to see the northern lights. We caught a few glimpses. So cool and I’m glad we made the effort ❤️
I power washed the driveway and now I can’t use my hands. But please enjoy these lovely little things I found outside today.
I made a thing and it might be haunted because I can’t seem to take a good picture of it, but should I add grass under this fellow? Like little tufty patches of gold bugle beads around the top of the rock? Or would that be too much?
When the whole house is asleep and it’s just you and that small demon that follows you around.
This weekend I finally dove back into cosplay feet first - or, arms first since I made a jacket! Hubby and I are going to MC3 in a few weeks as Hellfire Gala Captain Marvel and Cyclops! But the pressure is on, I procrastinated until the last possible moment, so wish me luck!
It’s been a minute, but I think my mojo’s coming back…
*high-pitched squealing sound* I finished my crochet cocoon cardigan!!! I’m so happy, I love it ❤️ 🧶
I’m completely obsessed with this yarn. Unfortunately it seems it’s been discontinued 😭 It’s called “Amber” from the Red Heart gemstone line and I’ve had it in my stash for years. I’m finally using it and I’m so excited! #crochet
I’m completely obsessed with this yarn. Unfortunately it seems it’s been discontinued 😭 It’s called “Amber” from the Red Heart gemstone line and I’ve had it in my stash for years. I’m finally using it and I’m so excited! #crochet
Happy Sunday afternoon y’all.
Made a slight adjustment to my shirt in celebration of today’s solar excitement. I’m a dork, I know. Try it sometime though, it’s fun.
I eagerly await the awesome eclipse photos I know others will have from the path of totality, but I had fun playing with a colander in the backyard at +95%.
Grateful for my space today as I take a moment to breathe out the tension of the work week in the quiet.
More proof I can’t be unsupervised in an antique store.
When you’ve been traveling all week, you’re hungry and apparently in the one terminal in ATL with crap for food options but you don’t have quite enough time to go to another terminal before the next leg so decisions get made…
I still have to stain the ladder, but otherwise my expanded bookcase is complete!!! 📚