
What scares me is, there are so many of them out there.
I don't think some of these people have the concept of what it would be like to live under an authoritarian rule. The 2025 project is chilling. I don't want my kids and grandkids to live under that kind of nightmare.
Same here! We didn't live in the U S during Trump. We did see the Int'l News everyday. We just didn't have to see the Mango Moron all day everyday. I don't know how you all did it. You have my respect
I have hated him since the 80s. Two of my coworkers were Eastern European immigrants who lived in Queens, NY. They knew Ivana told me all the horrible stories about him and his family. He was a monster before he moved to Manhattan. The entire family (except Mary) was a scourge. Total mob associates.
See ALL of Iowa's MAGA delegation.
They'll reek, but they'll be enriched and in positions of authority. Obviously a trade-off they're happy to make.