
8% of your genome is of DEFINITE viral origin, with another 40% made of repetitive sequences that LIKELY started as ancient viruses. We're made of star-stuff, but more recently, you're the product of a lot of very lazy or complacent viruses that decided to settle down and settle in.
It's a mind-shift from thinking of viruses as *just* disease agents. They're *US*. We're *made of* virus. Archaic retroviruses made the placenta possible, their ancient remnants control the patterns of gene expression, probably gave rise to our immune repertoire. We're human *because of them*.
>80% of most plant genomes are retroviruses so probably true of lots (most?) eukaryotes?
Plants may be unusual in this respect: mammals certainly are not so retroid 😁
…but I must update my general knowledge on the subject, seeing as I have to update a book in a year or so? Thanks for the info!!
80%?? I think you may be out by a factor of 4 or so, at least…plus, what “retroviruses” there are in plant genomes are Gypsy/Mariner elements (pseudoviruses and metaviruses). The various transposable elements, some retro-replicating, also don’t constitute as much as 80%.
*covers self in fusion and resolves to check facts before blooting in future* 😩
Haha! I just realized I cited a paper from the Ross-Ibarra lab!
Well, damn! 🙄 I shouldn’t rely on an out-of-dae memory quite so much, should I?
I mean if all you want is more copies of your genome migth as well hitchhike a ride in a different species for a few millenia.
What would be interestng is are those just viruses that failed to... Well work or is or was there actualy a subset of viruses that dont necessarily reprgramm a cell to duplicate their genome but just insert theirs and let cell Division do its thing from there wihout any adverse effect on the hoast.
not a virologist, but I wouldn't think so. if it doesn't produce new viral particles then it can't really spread, at least not as a virus. more likely the harmful part of the genome got disabled by cellular defenses then stuck around
Or hear me out: The eldritch horror option: Actualy its perfectly functional and has been the entire time and just waits for the rigth trigger whatever that migth be like Genes producing Lactase being activated only by the presence of Milk Sugar.
You mean "successful" viruses, moving in on a permanent basis is the goal of every little undead monster
Blew the minds of my erstwhile 3rd years when I taught them that - Genetics of Viruses, MCB3023S. Now probably just to be a memory…😩