
I have a report due tomorrow, so let's talk about how giraffes sleep (or don't): 1. Giraffes in the wild sleep ~30 minutes per night, on average, the least of any vertebrate not attending college. 2. They sleep standing up as adults, head on rump as younglings.
3. Giraffes in captivity are observed to spend 4.6 hrs a day sleeping, but mostly as "paradoxical sleep", a trance-like state with distinctive head positioning.
4. T he evolutionary advantage of vigilance is obvious to a prey animal, but it's not clear what mechanisms allow them to deal with the stress of not sleep cycling.
5. Free business idea for budding entrepreneurs: "Giraffe coffee, for when you want to sleep only 30 minutes a day." Alternatively, "coffee for giraffes". Those guys need it.
admit it you're not doing this for science you just want an excuse to hang out with and post pictures of cute giraffes