
18 years ago was the first time gay men in Texas could get married. I know this because we hopped on a plane to California to be wed on the first day we could. #ThenAndNow
What was it like for you guys between 2006 and 2014, when Texas tried to ban recognition?
It was a lot of fun seeing our marriage license being brought up for debate on legislative floors in California and Texas. I don’t think I ever got comfortable in saying we were married until Oberegfell in 2015. Now after they overturned Roe v Wade and legalized fascism who knows.
I can't think of the right way to say this except: I'm proud of you two for jumping in with both feet, fighting the system, and having the courage to be yourselves in a hostile society. I wish it wasn't such an uphill battle.
We went through so much sh*t in Texas and from employers, healthcare providers, insurance companies etc. It’s been incredibly draining having our marriage and right to be fathers challenged every year and we continue to be the punching bag for politicians pandering to an ignorant base.
Well done, you guys. 🥰 🫂 My sweetie wife and I fortunately live in somewhat civilized MN. There were the same legal, health insurance battles, and family dramas, until we could get gay-married, but we were lucky in our jobs.