
I *just now* realized that "Newt Scamander" is basically a zoologist named "Newt Salamander", and wow is she bad at coming up with names. Looking forward to her Scottish firefighter character named 'Les McBurney' or 'Will I. Savem'.
imagine being named Remus Lupin before your lycanthropic infection
I mean, I did once know of a dentist called Dr Toothacher (spelling may be a bit off, but still)
She heroically resisted the urge and instead, her ONE major Irish character (named Seamus Finnigan, because *of course*) becomes such an expert in blowing things up that it becomes the basis for his big scene in the last HP movie.
I was bugged by Cho Chang as a name. The Shacklebolt surname too. Maybe she just sucks. Much to consider.
"Rita Skeeter" of course can turn into a bug. Of course.
As a Bulgarian I would also like to add that Viktor Krum is not a normal Bulgarian name. Should have been Krumov. It’s not that big of a deal, but still annoying.
Can’t believe the TERF author who pretended to be a man to write a book and filled her stories with antisemitic goblins and racist blood purists she basically agrees with would have gotten names wrong, boy I just
I mean, it’s the least of the problems in these books, of course, I just always wanted to complain about this and now got my chance.
And everything owned by Professor MacGonagall was tartan. Because Scottish.
a thing that her primary audience was *just* young enough not to really get until the last few movies came out.
To be fair, that was specific to the movies. Neville is the one who screws everything up in the books and it’s usually not by exploding things.
Her supplementary books include a medieval French writer named Malecrit (“Poorlywritten”), the irony!
The worst part is that the gag names are never used to full effect. It's always lazy shit based on their race or career and not their plot relevance. Give a valuable artifact to Johnny Draupinschit. Check in on him a few chapters later. I wonder how the artifact is doing?
"I better get back to Uncle Soondead and Aunt Gonnabiteit." "Wait! What did you say their names were?" "Uncle Soondead and Aunt... Omigosh!" -THUMB WARS
I learned Grindelwald is a village in Switzerland, the other day. Also Diagon Alley is just diagonally. So glad I fell into the Lord of the Rings fandom instead of HP.
I got Knockturn Alley immediately but was mortified for not seeing Diagon Alley until it was pointed out to me.
Knockturn Alley is almost clever. I kept seeing adverts for HP World when it opened at Universal and hearing Diagon Alley mentioned ad nausium made it really hard to miss.
She gave a Black character the last name "Shacklebolt"
it's a kid's book with a lot of puns. Professor Lupin. Diagon Alley. Knockturn Alley. It's written for 12 year olds.
Wait til these folks hear about renowned hack Charles Dickens.
"Remus Lupin" basically screams "I am a werewolf."
And Sirius Black is literally a black dog.
Someone wrote a fanfic where a woman sues "Sirius Black aka Schwartz" for paternity because.... *drumroll* His Animagus form knocked up her black Lab and now she has these weird supernatural puppies.
That’s Harry’s whole first year book list. Other than Bagshot, look at the surnames of each book’s author.
And spells are one latin-ish word. No chance of a muggle saying that by accident.
To be fair, the words are neither sufficient nor necessary You need both magical ability and intent, and if you are good enough you can cast spells silently
She has a billion characters named Livony, Pansy, Gaspiard, etc, but the one Jewish kid at Hogwarts is Tony Goldstein. The Irish kid is Seamus Finnigan. Seriously?
But Scamander doesn't mean salamander, it is a river from the Illiad.
They did do one neat thing in the movie (only watched the first one) where the people who like Newt emphasize the second syllable, making it sound like salamander, and the character(s) who dislike him emphasize the first, which makes it feel like scavenger. That's the thing I like about that film.
Can't wait till she introduces Hugh Essay, the American exchange student at Hogwarts! And let's not forget the photographer for the Daily Prophet, Cam Raman!
Actually, as noted above Scamander is a river in Turkey (now known as the Karamenderes). The name means "stumbling/awkward man", which is a reasonable description of the character. Oh, almost forgot, JKR is still magic frosting! 💩💩💩