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A very clever Natural Philosopher who happens to be A GIRLMODER OF SORTS. And a man auf lettres.IM NOT BECOMING ANYONES EROMENOS so if you perv on me like some sort of DANTONIST you will be smited where you stand...
Leporello...I charge thee,entreat my comrades upon the Deuilish Committee to seek VENGEANCE for me!! Quel affreuse mort.....*sees the sainted spectre of my epic wife and dies* *descends into the hell forever*
*suffers until the end and doesn't even quaff opium due to Toxic Maculineity*
Leporello! Give my sword and a lock of my hair to my beautiful wife MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE...and this kerchief soaked in my lifeblood...and to my fellow triumvirs I bestow the homunculus...and as for all of the TRAITROUS SKANKS on twitter,give them NOTHING AT ALL,AND FURTHERMORE,DESTROY THEM!!
I was shot by an Austrian fusilier and am currently bleeding from several orifices and choking on blood and fainting and swooning and dying upon a gory cerecloth. If any of you MEAN AND STUPID BITCHES want to apologize for what you said earlier now is the time.......
Have you dumbfucks never heard of bait because I don't think you have...anyway since everyone is being sooo very mean to me for being a clever and beautiful boy I'm going to Fleurus and wont be returning.
Through my aphorisms I will turn the realm of online politics into a degenerate pursuit wherein neither reason nor truth are to be found. This is très bien because I'm a wretched oaf who knows not of either. Unfortunately this is a lot of work so I will probably obtain an intern or two.
"You",he said,"are a terrible fonce-blonde eromenos in a world of epic brunette erastes who love engineering and the armee du nord and definitely not tankypunks,and that,I believe,is why I want you to suffer painfully and erotically for two hundred years."
Tanky's will say "the value of silver and other ores underground can be represented through an assignat" as if it's not,um,a Bad Thing for demons or lemures to run amuck and amiss in the halls of the Emporer 🔚my impression of a witty liberal
Nobody is a dyke,and nobody has ever been a dyke. That stupid fucking word can be spake only unto the Dutch Republic...and the estate of Faustus...which may or may not be the same thing but probably aren't. Also camille was such a FAKE BITCH talking about Brabant as if it meant anything....
Praying for that pulmonary embolism 🫁 tonight.
And who says a chaste and virtuous republican commisar can't be a Nymphomaniac?!?!
Radicalism isn't real. Brissot will tie me to a stream-bed for saying this,but it's true.
They've been trapped under Brissot's big pungent vampire cloak for the last 230 years...😥...
J'accuse YOU,for having Authored a foul phamplet denouncing "the ML"!
"Were all mad here...!" Quote of the great Vladimir Illyich.
Kulak erasteses are depleting the Patrie of its loyal soldiers,and the CSP has ordered their immediate arrest. Cisbeasts have been identified as agents of William Pitt,and the CSG has ordered their immediate arrest.
DON'T CELEBRATE pride unless you HAVE it-&this isnt true of ANYONE nowadays.MEN are becoming eromenos to kulak menaces,and DYING A-BED. My fellow Hermaphrodites are being RIDICULED BY CORDELIER JOURNALS,and dont EVEN CARE. And if you think this is "FINE",YOU WILL BE EXECUTED.
Thinking About fraternal and patriotique effusions 🤭 the headmistress shall surely have me beaten with a pestle for this--but!-No, no, ch'io non mi pento. Ah,how the colombinic humours of lust doth veil ones soul in perfume~~...and WAYLAY ONES BITTER STRIVING! #BAD
While it's true that I could have every last liberal on Tumblr alongside the "Encyclopedia dramitque" pages they surely Authored due to their sundry evils sent to the guillotine now,I shall refrain. Why? Well,leave the worms their low and foul repast,is what I say!!
And what the Brissotin is activism anyways...either you're a loyal soldier of La Patrie+the JDPON or you're NOT...not much to it. And if you disagree with me,die!
One day a chyrurgeon is going to cleave mein flesh with a knife and I know you sickos are going to be giggling and laughing and blushing and fapping while I'm bleeding+viscera exposed in Bolivia or something. Well I don't care anymore! I don't give a jean or foutre what you sick pervs do anymore!
"Activist burn out" means nothing,except that you are Dantonite scum. Anyone who's anyone must consecrate themselves to posterity,and spend the rest of their lives bitterly striving,unless they're around women in which case they can pause for sake of modesty+propriety. It's not that complicated...
The Committee of Public Safety has outlawed sex,as well as circle skirts with pockets.
Had my #midlifecrisis at 14 years of age due to being "the man of virtue" (morning stars shan't fall very far?)...which is why Faustus is très important now of all times. What this also means is that I'm currently wasting my last 3600 decades. Thanks,Liberals!!
Don't ever EVER become the eromenos of a bitch with an undercut...
According to liberals everywhere,Camille said Saint-Just was a suppirating syphilis sore of a man and like the beautiful sensual girl that he was Saint-Just responded by killing him. This isn't true but it's still epic. Thanks,Liberals!!
I want to harass him soooo bad but I'll be killed Gaveston style. But I want to kill him soooo bad...please,Supreme Being!! Give this sick perv not one but two pulmonary embolisms!!
I've got 500 suitors you crazy bitch,and a virtuous republican wife name of which is ROBESPIERRE,and if you think futch social democrats can be an Erastes to anyone except the worlds spottiest brunette THINK AGAIN...You're out of your league in a sense that can be known only unto the devil 🤣🤣🤣
SOMEBODY wants BADLY for a certain mid fairhaired bolshy with d cups and martial training to be his bitchass Eromenos and is doing all manner of crazy and embarrassing shit over this...ITS NOT HAPPENING YOU NASTY MARAISARD.DIE.&YOU CANT THERMIDOR ME ABOUT IT,BECAUSE THAT CALENDAR ISNT USED ANYMORE.