
Furry convention attendance exploding, volunteer staff numbers remaining low... Ah, it's the You're Running Out Of Autists problem again
A small dedicated corps of people who keep volunteering but keep getting beat down by people who are perfectly capable of volunteering but refuse to for various reasons, despite there being practically no barriers to entry for volunteering if you're attending already
"Well start the convention earlier then" how about I blast the refrain from In The Navy directly into your eardrums
Getting trashed on cheap bottom-shelf whiskey and writing "A Fandom Of Treats: Make A Decision And Either Help Or Not And Stop Complaining, Ya' Pricks"
I staffed cons for years and decided to take a brief break from it that I’ve failed to return from >.>
tbqh, I do wonder how much of a like, kind of continued thing this is in general with conventions and the like of volunteer staff issues
(and also in a sense in terms of being tied up with decline of smaller/local cons or shows, and thus feeds into bigger ones... and what that does to numbers if staff doesn't keep up?)
I’d have to look into it more but it wouldn’t surprise me if numbers kept increasing to a point, and then stopped once social media coverage of various sorts of nonsense gets too out of hand.