
Bingo for meat would be no meat left?
There's some sort of referential band name in there but it's for someone else to make.
i assume so? i've never played Bingo for Meat, but i did win a Meat Draw once, which is a thing in some bars out here. you buy raffle tickets & if they draw yours, you win some meat. I think i won a big pork roast that time. The bar where i won the meat draw no longer exists
I was referring to the phrase used in the military, where it's a fuel level where you're at minimum safe fuel and have to stop whatever your doing and go land/refuel. (Get to destination, plus reserve for delays, plus reserve to furthest divert)
Oh THAT bingo!! Yeah i actually use that phrase when i'm explore/driving on backroads (as well as planning my fueling on the marine principle of thirds - 1/3 to get there, 1/3 to get back, 1/3 for unforeseen circumstances)