
Hey friends! Let's do a different type of #artshare Pick one of your favorite artists on here and share a link to one of their art posts. Let's boost up some great people and show them we appreciate them ๐Ÿ™‚
My long time friend Gary is an amazing artist who needs to have a way bigger following. I like this skull yelling at this frog, but his empty landscapes and quiet interiors illustrate a rural ennui that reminds me of a Polaroid you find in a shoebox at an estate sale. Who's memories were these?
QRT with your skull art ๐Ÿ’€
I love that first image so much ... Just a regular puddle and then you see the hand peaking out from the part in the shadows ... and I'm like "what happened here?! What is the story", it really just something mundane with just a small thing "off" that makes it soooo interesting to think about
This one is called "probably a skunk"