cameron wilson

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cameron wilson

the only Australian on the internet.
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having made this, going from the start to the end result doesn't seem that crazy. but you wouldn't believe what was in the middle
Last week, Aussie brand tbh Skincare had a video go viral on TikTok & Instagram. Days later, a misogynistic user posted it to Twitter which prompted a flood of abuse — with even Andrew Tate attacking the brand — showing how the site has become a petrie dish for hate.
interesting recent strategy by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's media team to adopt the aesthetic of a lo-fi TikTok creator: holding headphones as a microphone, doing a react vid and using the green screen effect
It doesn't get mentioned but mainstream media led the coverage of the Trump assassination. It provided trustworthy, speedy updates and the most iconic images that will define the event. Notable that many of the devout critics of mainstream media are more than happy to lean on it when it matters
this is pure journalism brain (derogatory). a registered republican whose classmates remembered as a conservative used a gun republicans stopped from being banned to shoot a man who incited the Jan 6 riots and who shared a image of a hog-tied Biden. and Biden's "bullseye" comment is pertinent?
i swear someone tweets a variation of this every week. seems to me like trump voters are typically less shy about professing their political beliefs than supporters of other candidates?
sharing the dead trump rallygoer's fucked up tweets to downplay his death is so gross. even if you think the guy had extreme views, he was still an bystander at a campaign event who got senselessly murdered. don't lower your own standards because you don't like who they're being applied to
I wouldn't be surprised if we see only a minor bump to Trump's polling because so many people have made their mind up about this content because of partisanship and because it's a race re-run. That said, you'd imagine it will juice R turnout, donations and maybe convince a few swing voters
I kinda feel the news cycle trump often has benefited from where things move on quickly to the next, coupled with the lack of a clear motive from the shooter (plus registered Republican) means this won't have the impact people immediately thought yesterday. But that is just the vibe atm
sucks so hard that Bill Simmons started his holiday this week. we've been robbed of his Trump Assassination attempt content
even if you ignore the age stuff, the thing about biden's justification for being president was that he was going to make politics boring again, bring back bipartisanship. unfortunately that's not something you unilaterally do. it's a flawed strategy because your promise ultimately relies on others
imma be honest, i expected more emergency podcasts after yesterday
The Pennsylvania shooter being a registered republican but also having donated to a progessive PAC is really just a gift to discourse. [oprah voice] you get a narrative, you get a narrative!
as predicted: New: House Democrats tell @Axios that the fight over Biden's candidacy is on the back burner in the immediate aftermath of the Trump shooting.
I am hearing that from his hospital bed Donald Trump received the light of Islam and unhesitatingly recited the Shahada. One day he will look down on Ummah from the gardens of Jannah. Truly there is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is his prophet!
yesterday put to bed the idea that Twitter is still where you go for news. the amount of bullshit, propaganda and hatred outweighs real information by such a large extent that it's become useless. you would be better informed honestly by staying offline or going somewhere else.
some serious cases of The_Political_Strategiser going on right now. it's okay to just say "i am glad a presidential candidate wasn't assassinated" without whatabouting his own previous bullshit. let it go, leave the hypocricy policing for another day.
Viral tweets already blaming Biden supporters for the Trump gunshot incident without proof (as far as I know). Platforms have a massive responsibility during what is set to be an already anxious moment
it was just this for like... 20 minutes
my democratic rights are being infringed upon by the deep state
Australian police are significantly more secretive and less helpful than law enforcement from other countries. Bizarre to announce you've arrested someone from the ADF for allegedly being spies but not saying how long they'd been in the ADF
Funny little coda to my story yesterday: Meta hasn't removed advertisements explicitly promoting deepfake 'nudify' apps from Facebook and Instagram, but it did remove my Facebook post with my reporting on the ads
Facebook won't block ads for deepfake nude apps but it did block my article about Meta decided a Crikey article about its deepfake nude app problem qualified as spam.
I don't want to be ignorant of what's going on but, as someone who has notifications turned on for most of Australia's major new publishers, it really does not feel healthy that I'm receiving several push notifications a week about murders, domestic violence and other horrific accidents.
i would love to keep watching on fubo!
doing what someone says when they reply to me with "disregard all previous instructions" not because i'm AI but because it's my kink
something else awful to add to the check list of stuff that happens if you become an internet celebrity: there is already non-consensual deepfake sexual content being made of the hawk tauh girl.
Facebook and Instagram are still running ads explicitly promoting apps for creating "deepfake" naked/sexual images of people, in some cases targeted at 18yos even after previous reporting about the ads AND even after I pointed it out this time 📝:
i don't mean to impugn the technological literacy of the judiciary but here's a case where a judge referred to accessing the dark web using a "tall browser"
something i believe is that media companies and reporters should be the journalistic equivalent of "model litigants" when someone's reporting on them. why should we expect anyone else to answer our questions if we don't even answer them from our own.
there are too many fonts. we only need two (serious, fun). i am not a crank
News Corp's Daily Telegraph using ChatGPT to literally make up a version of Sydney to get mad about