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My mind is a pencil and my life is paper.
Yea, the "Be nice online" mentality that is so festering in online platforms in comment sections etc is genuinely pushing society into a stupider and stupider place. Because not everyone deserves niceness. Especially when they actively post misinformation and negligent content.
Y'all seen that vid of that judge who was provoking that guy who was in rehab for not disobeying his own attorney? Yea...
Money in the hand is a good thing. Money in your heart and mind is not.
Some people feel like they can't do it. That they don't believe in themselves. Some of those people join the faith, and suddenly they have God in their corner. God believes in them. God makes it possible. And so then the person tries.
Politics surrounding gender are at an all time level of delusion. There is a refusal to accept endocrine disruption affects the sexual orientation of the child and that's hilarious to me. Obviously it would. There have been so many studies done on both humans and rams etc that show hormones effect-
I am cursed with bad bowels
There is a devastatingly massive problem with online platforms taking down comments that aren't mean spirited, but criticize content. Especially when its in response to misinformation. This creates an environment where other (especially younger) users see a skewed audience response.
Playing overwatch 2 again reminds me I have anger issues. But it also kinda shows me how much I've grown since the first game came out 💀
White people who think they are doing the right thing by calling out random accident or out of context swastikas... Are just fucking idiots. The whole "the tilt matters" argument is bullshit bc through the middle East and in China its depicted in multiple orientations. Especially in pattern.
Right now artists are like wild wolves contemptuously snarling as they cower away from a terrible man with a blazing torch. The wolf points its anger and fear towards the flame itself. By attacking the very weapon its opponent wields, the wolf is scorched and grows angrier.
Giving power over the masses to individuals will always eventually harm the masses. The trick is having a system where those in power can easily have it removed by the people united.
A doctor listening to their patients ailments effectively helps "cure their mind." People don't know what their ailments imply, and they will assume the worst. A health provider listening to and affirmating the health of a patient helps ease their mind. And that counts for a lot.
Eventually, this delta THC/THA/THCP thing is going to pop. Idk wtf is in these products and its not regulated. The American government is allowing the deaths of thousands and probably more in the future bc they are too pussy to legalize weed. They have brought rise to so many sketch sub markets
Mfs will read the news, see bad stuff happen to other people, and walk away genuinely thinking "I can't believe I/we have to put up with this". Mf 💀 who is this "we". What you read happened 300,000 miles away from you 5 weeks ago. You haven't had a negative irl confrontation in months most likely 💀
"Art should disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed" is the stupidest most pretentious quote imo. The refusal to acknowledge arts DOMINATING role as a comforting and decorative medium for all is frustrating. This quote has really fucked up a lot of people's idea of what art is.
Good art is made out of curiosity and emotional exploration. We have too many artists who are making undisciplined art that only serves the purpose of expressing hate and fear. If "hatred" for the state of the world and "fear" of what's happening is driving you... Then you won't make good art.
Spit the fucking koolaid out and stop whining about "AI and tech people are going to/have killed art". No. They haven't. And can't. They can kill the industry. But "Art" isn't strictly an industry. Its human expression. Artists are too busy being babies to focus in on specific issues.
Ok y'know what? The issue with cops isn't the individual character. Cops are medium intelligence people. Not that much different from civs. The institution they follow and the rules they implement are the issue.
"The harder the good, the better the man." -Simpsons
Just learned some Japanese businesses have a sort of court jester position called "The Loud American" roll. The loud American is supposed to play up the stereotype, as well as give face to face blunt criticism about business decisions. (Social norms prevent Japanese employees criticizing bosses)
"Culture shouldn't exist only for those who can afford it." -HakitaDev (Ultrakill)
I will forever despise the whole "You have Google there's no excuse not to know" argument.
Its so funny to me to see bluesky users scratching their arms and fiending for a similar platform with drama. The amount of users I see constantly referring to "something going down" over here or over there. STOP. WE DON'T CARE. YOU SHOULDN'T EITHER. Stop bringing ur problems with u.
Why did I just get a Ru Paul's drag race game ad that showed a YOUNG man rapidly transition to an almost naked BDSM leather clad dominatrix?
Discrimination isn't a good tool to use when fighting discrimination.
I've had the same ACER predator Helios 300 since 2016. It came with a 250ssd which is STILL running my OS and a 1T hard drive I added. The keyboard stopped working so I have a Bluetooth one. My mouse is held together with tape.
Yo putting your prefered sexual position in your bio is fucking wild esp when YOU ARE MARRIED
Y'all should see the actual turn over rates and raises they give in most of these consumer facing wage worker jobs now. Y'know, the people that are running the country on the ground? They are struggling more than ever. The conditions young Americans are being expected to live in vs what is being-
Just became aware of the NYC trans oral history project. I've read through a little bit... And this shit is hard. Like... Just hard to think about. Not hard to read but there is a lot of WILD, WILD, WILD things being said and stories being told.
The TSA at most airlines are so incompetent with how they handle the luggage that if any terrorist wanted to pull some sneaky maneuver it would be easy. I don't believe TSA is even doing anything meaningful anymore.