
if you took every billionaire on earth and stacked them on top of each other starting at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, that would be great
Fun fact: there are around 2500 billionaires on Earth. If we assume each billionaire is 6 feet tall on average, and if we assume each billionaire stands directly on the head of the one below, the top billionaire would be less than halfway back to the surface
But wouldn't the extreme pressure at the bottom of the trench give them the Dreaded Shrinks - like what happened to the Twits - so you'd need more? Maybe you'd have to stack fascists on top of them to make up the difference?
To my knowledge humans are mostly water, so they don’t compress much even in the deep ocean. So we should be good. We can still throw fascists in just on principle
Wouldn't their cement shoes give them added height?
I assumed they would be laid horizontally and stacked that way. On the one hand the top of the stack would be further down the Trench, on the other hand the stack might be less likely to tip over, on the gripping hand who cares they would still all be on the bottom of the ocean where they belong.