Catherine Ryan Hyde

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Catherine Ryan Hyde

Author of 45+ books. Dog, cat, and horse lover. Amateur astrophotographer.
Sun is trending toward interesting again, though I'm most interested in the fact that I can see it. It's been all fog all the time here. Something significant appearing at the eastern limb (far left edge). #Astronomy #Astrophotography
This is not a great image, and I clearly have a lot to learn about this camera. But this is my first try at all-sky images. It's a 180-degree fisheye. You point it straight up and it covers the sky horizon to horizon. #astronomy #astrophotography
Mars and the Pleiades this morning, with clouds streaking through. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
From last night, an area of Cygnus rich in stars clusters. The two most obvious and central open clusters are NGC 7082 and M39. Lots of moon last night, so I had to take short exposures before it set and only use the background from the later, longer, moonless images. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
A starless version of the Eagle Nebula and its Pillars of Creation. Just for a different look at the details. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
From last night, M16, the Eagle Nebula in the constellation Serpens, with its iconic Pillars of Creation. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
A nebula in the constellation Vulpecula, NGC 6823. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
The bright star is Navi, or Gamma Cassiopeiae, and the nebula is called the Ghosts of Cassiopeia. Long story why, but I had to take very short, unguided images last night. Still, the night was not wasted. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
Crescent moon with the Pleiades, just before dawn this morning. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
Added the third 3-hour night of imaging on my M20 (Trifid Nebula) image. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
From the observatory in Darkskyland last night, this is the Lagoon Nebula and the Trifid Nebula, framed together. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
Day two of M20, the Trifid Nebula. I'm not absolutely thrilled with the processing, but I've spent hours on it, and I'm not inclined to invest more time when I'm just going to redo it when I have a third night of images to add. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
A much better processing of the Trifid Nebula. Not sure what I was thinking with that first one. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
I can only get this for about three hours a night, so I hope to work on it for at least three nights, depending on sky conditions. Here's the first night of M20, the Trifid Nebula. One of my favorites. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
This is not new. I took it in December of last year. But I was working on this today, and wanted to share it. This is a starless version of the Great Orion Nebula. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
This is just a little over an hour of the globular cluster M107. With a 94% moon chasing my imaging session, it was all the time I had. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
Two very impressive-looking active solar regions just rotating out of view. They are 3712 and 3713. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
These three big sunspots below center are all one active region, AR3712. And quite an impressive one at that. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
I thought it would be clear last night. Too much moon, but clear. I got all set up to get the open clusters NGC 6633 and IC 4756, which are close enough to be framed together. I got one two-minute image. One. Then the fog slammed back in. Will try again. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
Another crack at the Needle Galaxy using a big batch of images from April and adding more from June 5th and from last night. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
I did not succeed in mastering comet stacking. I did, however, end up with a much better image of Comet Tsuchinshan. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
Comet Tsuchinshan. Its real full name is C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS). This is just a single two-minute image. I also took a bunch to stack, but comet stacking is not the easiest thing. We'll see if I can post a better one later. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
The fog rolled in and out in the early dark hours last night, then rolled in and stayed. I ended up with less than two hours of this. It's the Needle Galaxy. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
From my backyard last night, the Coathanger asterism. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
Doesn't look like the beast it once was, but it released another X-flare today. #Astronomy #Astrophotography
IC 1396, the Elephant Trunk Nebula, from the observatory last night. #Astronomy #Astrophotography