Cat in the Hat

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Cat in the Hat

Mum • Lover of nature and clean, fresh air • Passionate about science • “Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.”
866 babies & children have been hospitalised with Covid in the last month. It’s increased by more than 4.5 times since June. If it was any other illness, this would be headline news, but because it’s Covid, it doesn’t even get a mention. h/t
Reposted byAvatar Cat in the Hat
Great piece in the Irish Examiner about clean air in schools Clean air in schools should NOT be controversial It is affordable, easily achievable and benefits kids in many ways And again, this should NOT be controversial No paywall so please read and share
Opinion: Sick of your kids being sick? Clean air in schools may be the It’s time to take a closer look at air filters in classrooms to prevent illnesses and absences, write Julia Corey and Orla Hegarty
Reposted byAvatar Cat in the Hat
Hello bold new blue sky world! Are there any familiar faces out here? How do I find my people?
End of feed.