
I regularly get rude comments from bird watchers and keyboard environmentalists telling me that cats are nasty, diseased creatures and to keep mine indoors (even though my cats are 100% indoor and always have been). Does that mean I think all bird watchers and environmentalists are rude and hostile?
NO. Being online means accepting that you will eventually run into the rude fringe of every group of people. It does not mean that fringe is representative of the whole! I am begging people to stop making that mistake!
For every loud jerk bird watcher I run into I know there are thousands peacefully minding their own business and advocating for wild spaces in peaceful, rational ways. Judging all of them by the aggressive weirdos would be a very silly mistake leading to escalating anger and aggression.
Just act compassionately online and don't let the minority of angry weirdos skew your perceptions or change your values. 🥰