
Also, I honestly don't know much about dogs but I think most of this applies to them, too? I do know that more pets go missing in the U.S. on the 4th of July holiday than any other time of year, so please just be extra mindful of all the babbys.
Fireworks suck! Here are some tips from cat behaviorist Mikel Delgado for keeping your cats safe and happy this 4th of July. 1. Make sure your cats are inside. Even if they normally go out, the 4th is not a good day for them to roam. (con't)
way more dogs! my cat tries to catch the pretty sparkles on the window, my dad's dobermann is only just after... 3 years? 4 years? not shaking and crying and needing to be held the whole way through storms or firework displays...
That's definitely not universal, though. It just depends on the individual dog or cat.
Very true. These 2 were litter-brothers: Xander (white and black) couldn't care less about noises in the sky while Luke was a mess for almost all of them (hated thunder and fireworks but was strangely fascinated by helicopters)
parents had a dobe who thought she should be able to fetch the dhinooks going overhead...
Luke didn't seem to think he could catch them, just liked to watch them flying by though the other one (Xander) did once jump up to catch a pigeon taking off (then promptly spat it out, lol)
biggles - my most brainless cat - once caught a shrew and ran around panicking because a) it wasn't in jelly b) it was moving... it squeaked, he dropped it, i saved it...
oh totally... and after i posted i wondered "if a cat has lived inside its whole life being protectes is it less likely to understand the concept of loud noise equals danger" as opposed to loud noise equals i knocked something over and need to be on the other side of the house to establish an alibi
Unless, as in my case, the cat in question is skittish enough that a flushed toilet will send him hiding under my bed. After dinner I'll be starting my yearly tradition of laying out his favorite pad in a shallow box, on top of the washing machine, where the loud noises outside are most muffled.
oh good idea! sit and watcb tv with, msybe too!