
Just checked WaPo's online front page. Not ONE mention of Trump's lying, but articles about dumping Biden from every slant.
WHY would Team Biden AGREE to a debate format that DIDN'T include fact-checking?
My guess is that they assumed CNN mods would have the decency and common sense to jerk Trump's leash if he ran rampant, and not sit there like brainless bots, reading questions, barely registering what the answers (or nonanswers) were.
“Sir! We have finished that question. Please answer the current question or lose your time!” I think that above on the first time Trump did a run on would have done a lot of good.
Agree 100% They basically let Trump do his own free form monologue that was rarely in sync with what the topic at hand was. It was incompetent.
Truth is they would continue to let every Biden lie pass unmentioned as they always have, but he has lost the ability to lie due to general incoherence.
WaPo stopped counting Trump’s lies in office after he passed 30,000. His lies since then are surely in 6 figures and he’s just been convicted 34 times for criminally falsifying business records. But do enlighten us about Biden’s dishonesty.
Good point. Trump does lie. And unlike Biden, he failed to restore America's soul and never ended cancer. In addition, Trump was never arrested while marching with Nelson Mandela.