
Maybe stop calling this shit "manslaughter" and start calling it "murder"?
There's some bullshit about extra burden of proof IIRC so they give leniency for guilty to manslaughter pleas, to keep the court system lubed and regular, stop trials from dragging on I mean fuck it with a bargepole but that's the reasoning, or something in that direction
We have a friend whose husband beat her head with an iron bar then wrapped her face in Glad Wrap to try to suffocate her, and he’d written down his plan to kill her beforehand. He was convicted for assault, not attempted murder, because of this plea system, and now he’s out of prison. Ridiculous.
Sounds like someone who needs to slip on the stairs And yeah this is fucking complete bullshit and if government wants to get serious about DV it needs sorting as a priority
Instead they’ll just talk about it until (they hope) everyone moves on.