
I wonder where Barack Obama figures in all this. It would probably need to be him who says enough is enough.
Am obviously just one of many many reporters getting their phones blown up by elite Dems in positions of influence, power, money freaking the fuck out tonight. All I’ll say before pivoting to writing copy is this is Not the usual bed wetting, Biden should step aside fan fic. Tonight was different
The best note I've seen so far, and one I truly hadn't considered. Here's hoping he kindly takes his old mentor aside to say enough is enough.
MSNBC says they're going to have Kamala on shortly and I'm keeping the TV on because I want to know what she'll say
she'll deflect and cope and whatnot. i think she knows it wouldn't be her taking the top spot.
Yeah, I'm sure that's right. They have Newsom on now, saying Biden won on substance