
I’ve never really been able to listen to Floyd songs on their own. They’re best in the context of the album. Often they’re cut off on the radio, which drives me insane.
Depending on the day and which one I am currently playing, their greatest album is either Meddle, Animals, or this one. With Pink Floyd, rarely do you seek out a song to listen to. You grab an album and start at the beginning.
Animals is among the most interesting political albums of the 70s. Finally Floyd wasn’t too cool for politics. Same with Bowie and Scary Monsters (and Lodger).
Animals is the correct answer, although you wouldn’t be asked firmly yet politely to leave if you said Wish You Were Here, Dark Side, or The Wall. Any others? Here’s your hat what’s your hurry.
I love Animals. It was an important album for me in my 20s. I can rank it higher than Wish or Dark Side though.