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Global Warming/Climate Change is real. It's us. We need to act now.

Debunking the silly "arguments" and faked graphs by Climate Change "skeptics"
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
Sea surface temperatures have been exceptionally high over the past year. Unfortunately this is in-line with the extremes that we expect to see in a world where CO2 emissions continue to rise. This graph shows observed SSTs compared with the latest generation climate models:
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
Wielicki contradicts himself about "global average temperature" First he says it's "a completely meaningless and unscientific metric made up by climate alarmists" Then he talks about "global average temperature" when it suits his narrative. eg (The low outlier UAH TLT)
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
Matthew Wielicki proved he doesn't know the difference between changes in global mean temperature and changes in local daily temperatures
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
If you've heard the claim that the Sun is responsible for global warming in recent decades, you've likely encountered the Hoyt & Schatten 1993 (HS93) total solar irradiance (TSI) series cited to support this assertion. But, is this correct? [tldr: no] 🧵
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
The first time I encountered Matthew Wielicki on Twitter in Aug 2022, I asked him why he had a long debunked fake blog graph by a non-scientist as his header. He replied with a yawning emoji. x.com/Ceist8/statu...
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
Matthew Wielicki has zero expertise in climate science but pretends to offer his "expert opinion" while serving up all the usual ignorant opinions & disinformation. He got boosted by Jordan Peterson for whining about DEI. www.mediamatters.org/climate-deni...
Spreading climate misinformation is fast becoming a shortcut to popularity across right-wing media. This man’s rise proves it.www.mediamatters.org
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
Matthew Wielicki's response to someone else who posted Brandon Daly's screenshot of Matthew's deleted post with the fictitious "papers" and "quotes" was: "I hope you get the mental help you desperately need". Then blocked him.
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
Matthew Wielicki (aka Matt-GPT) went on a blocking spree of everyone who reposted Brandon Daly's screenshot of Matthew's deleted post. Then he pretended to be the "victim" claiming that people were trying to "silence" him😂 @bdglaciers.bsky.social
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
Over on the Hellsite, two-bit climate disinformation enthusiast Matthew Wielicki has been caught copy-pasting fake references from ChatGPT
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
There's a deep sense of sadness and loneliness seeing this record shattering graph. November 17, 2023 was the first day in recorded history when the earth's surface was a whole 2°C hotter than pre-industrial times. Yet, there's barely any chatter about this staggering breach.
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
🚨 BREAKING: October 2023 shattered the record for the warmest October globally. The gold standard reanalysis (ERA5) showed this October to be 0.85C above the 1991-2020 average. Nov-Dec would have to be cooler than ALL 22 of the last Nov-Dec to NOT set a new annual record. 🚨
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
📢 v1.56 release notes (3/5) We renamed Mute Lists to Moderation Lists, or “Mod Lists.” You can find them in the Moderation screen. You can choose to mute or block all accounts included on the list.
"Greater than 99% chance’ 2023 will be hottest year on record" www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-gre...
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
September 2023 Temperature Update 🔥 Warmest September & largest anomaly ever measured, shattering previous September record. Warming since August concentrated in polar regions. Near certain that 2023 becomes the warmest year. Likely 2023 exceeds 1.5 °C. berkeleyearth.org/september-20...
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
Trends in September Arctic sea ice thickness over approximately the last four decades (yes, that shows thinning everywhere)... 🧊📉 [Data from PIOMAS. For more information: doi.org/10.1175/JCLI...
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
Coming up to the part of the year where the Arctic freeze up usually adds to the Antarctic winter peak causing the November hump in global sea ice extent. With a record low in Antarctica which has likely peaked earlier this month and a very low Arctic minimum this year will be interesting.🧪
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
Kevin Trenberth wrote about the water vapor feedback on The Conversation. He told me that they cut a lot of his piece, so we're running the whole thing on The Climate Brink www.theclimatebrink.com/p/how-rising...
How rising water vapour in the atmosphere is amplifying warming and making extreme weather worsewww.theclimatebrink.com Kevin Trenberth explains
"Exxon scientists modeled and predicted global warming with 'shocking skill and accuracy' starting in the 1970s" Then spent years covering it up and funding propaganda groups to misrepresent the science to the public to protect their profits. news.harvard.edu/gazette/stor...
Exxon scientists predicted global warming with ‘shocking skill and accuracy,’ Harvard researcher...news.harvard.edu In the study, scientists showed how the multinational energy giant worked to cloud the issue.
How rising water vapour in the atmosphere is amplifying warming and making extreme weather worse - Kevin Trenberth www.theclimatebrink.com/p/how-rising...
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
Reposted byAvatar Ceist
For my first post on 🟦 I want to share a Python-based app I am making that visualizes the complete climate history of any place in the US. It's a work-in-progress, but I plan to make it a standalone website in the near future! The current app can be accessed here: sites.google.com/view/ajtclim...