Ceitidh Drowe

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Ceitidh Drowe


Drow(e) [Scots]: a cold mist or drizzly fog, esp. at sea; a bout of illness, gloom or anxiety; a sound evoking melancholy; a fae or goblin. Whichever.

Desultory gamer; Roman pagan; squall; social media nonentity. Old. Formerly Vex; still vexed.
Reposted byAvatar Ceitidh Drowe
Is it actually a physics thing that means if you let cables get into too close proximity they immediately wrap around each other? Is it, like, EM fields or something? Or is it just that life is tiring as hell?
Oh do fuck off, Twatter. You'd already entirely suppressed my account so nobody could see anything I put on there. The only disruptive behaviour I was engaged in was persistent refusal to pay muskrat's gullible-asshole tax.
I'm just going to go ahead and start muting the wave of Bluesky nostalgia elitists I'm seeing complaining about how terrible it is that they let just anyone on this platform now and it's turning into Twitter with people who don't agree with other people and there goes the neighborhood.
So today someone I was talking to expressed surprise that, as a trans/bi person I would be supportive of Palestinians' Human rights, especially not to be murdered en masse. After all, she said, they wouldn't be supportive of my rights. Why would I take their side given they would reject who I am?
I keep finding Bluesky counterparts of accounts I used to follow on Twitter and getting happy because I can follow them here. And then I find that they're just empty profiles with like one post from a year ago and obviously abandoned. (Looking at you for today, @badwritingtakes.bsky.social.)
Good night, Bluesky...er...ers. Blueskyers. Blueskiers? No. Anyway, like I said.
I find I'm automatically reacting to media slavering over all the details of trump's aspiring assassin, his life and opinions, just as I would with a normal, run-of-the-mill school shooting or something, where I'd be all about the damnatio memoriae. But then I remember it was only trump.
I thought the whole #ItsComingHome thing was the WORLD Cup, anyway. It says in the song about how it's 30 years since it happened. Just feels like, if you expand it out far enough, sooner or later it's going to "come home" simply because England are eventually inevitably going to win *something*.
About to start #TheAcolyte episode 4. It took three episodes for #Andor to really kick in. I'm hoping this will do likewise. So far I've not really been able to engage with the characters, the story or the setting. I found some of the same problems with #Ahsoka, too. I can has more Andor pls?
A morning take: "Evil" is not something a person is. It may, arguably, be something a person *does*. The former belongs in religion, and maybe Dungeons & Dragons. It's the language of "demonic possession". Such use reduces people to an alignment, and denies the concept of rehabilitation.
Okay that's it #NCIS has wrecked me. That show has some damned implausible storylines but the people stuff can be just oof
How the frame-shifting *fuck* did I end up this close to Achenar? 51 light-years? I was somewhere near Lave when I logged off, I'm pretty sure. I mean you hear talk about Lavian brandy but holy cheese. Ooo. Brandy and cheese. Mmmm. 🧀🍷 #EliteDangerous
The Wes Streeting who only a day or two ago wouldn't commit to keeping the NHS free at point of use has now stated an intention to implement anti-trans policies based on fuck all except the cachet of being seen hating trans people. Remind me again how Labour and Tories aren't the same people?
Wes Streeting looking to implement a permanent ban on puberty blockers, subject to the outcome of court proceedings and consultation. Reminder that even the Cass Review didn't recommend that. Congrats everyone on your lovely new, definitely not bigoted, government.
Baldur's Gate 3: The Savescum Chronicles
UK police affronted at new sitcom, based on the Tories rushing recruits through training, called 'Piglets'. It's "highly offensive", and they ask how it "passed through checks and balances". To which I would like to suggest, "Suck it the fuck up, cupcakes". www.independent.co.uk/arts-enterta...
Police condemn ‘disgusting’ title of new ITV sitcomwww.independent.co.uk The show, set in a police training college, makes light of the Tories’ policy of recruiting 20,000 new police officers ‘in double quick time’
Gods dammit, I wish alcohol still worked.
Watching CinemaSins' video on Dune Pt 2. I enjoyed the film. But CS is right: "Dune" was NOT the 'old Fremen name' for the planet. "Arrakis" is from Arabic Al-Raqis, the dancer. (It's the name of the real star Mu Draconis, 12th brightest star in the Draco constellation). "Dune" is from Gaulish.
Reposted byAvatar Ceitidh Drowe
I always assumed I was just too old in the brain to appreciate remixes. But just found I really enjoy the ARTY Remix of London Grammar's 'Hey Now'. Love that song anyway - it's weirdly haunting - but the remix actually works really well.
Well, watched the #Gladiator2 trailer. Loved the first film, for all its historical liberties. This one... I like D. Washington. I like P. Pascal. And visually the film looks great. Couldn't hear a single damned word of the dialogue over the music and crashing and shouting. Is story important? 🤔
Well, it seems that I essentially don't exist on Twitter. That i don't get followers is no big thing - I'm very boring. Likewise with likes. But Twitter also counts views, and I've had none on any tweets today. So there seems no real point in hanging out there.
"For the rain it raineth like a flat-out old bastard." - W. Shakespeare
I understand that we are required to Pump It Up. Someone on the radio is very keen to stress the importance of this.
So I died at the teeth of a #vampire in #BaldursGate3 and it was a strangely... affecting... experience. 😳 I never realised D&D had so much stuff in it. Vampires, the Feywild, Great Old Ones... It seems to have come on a lot since I last played.
Ooo, thanks, Spotify. Yes, I'll definitely try to get down from where I live in the Midlands to see The Pretty Reckless in concert in London THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW. I can't how that could possibly be any sort of logistical challenge, and I definitely appreciate your timely notifications.