Cervine Comedy

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Cervine Comedy


Artist, amateur game designer, miniature painter, freelance consulting occultist, and ridiculously in love with my wife, Vixxi.
Decided to start watching the Spice and Wolf reboot series and it is really good!
Writing done for the day! 2,000 words written bringing my to a total of 27,000/30,000 towards my July writing goal. This puts me at 90% towards goal. Loving my new rewrite. Characters starting to actually feel like people.
Writing done for the day! 3000 words written which is double my daily goal. Progress of Monthly Goal: 25000/30000. This makes my progress towards July’s goal is 83.33%.
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: Girl becomes best friends with a hole in the ground
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: Who profits when mecha vs kaiju battles becomes commonplace?
My novel’s main character. No name for her yet
Project goals: 22000/30000 towards July word goal. 73.33% to goal.
3000 words on my novel project knocked out today. Doing major rewrites which isn’t the funnest part but I think the plot flows more smoothly now, and I’ll get less confused when I get rolling.
I’m only somewhat sorry because I’m not actually sorry but there is something in my brain that insists on apolgizing all the time
I somewhat apologize for basically only posting writing updates. And also not talking about the story or world I’m working on. I found that the more I talk about my project the faster I burn out on it. So if I limit it to progress updates to act as some kind of accountability I’m fine
That’s a tomorrow problem though.
I figure it’ll take a couple of rewrites for the outlines before I feel comfortable writing the actual story. Looking at my planned release schedule I need to have at least 104 chapters ready to go before I start publishing which is very doable once I straighten out the continuity and progression
Back to writing at my usual rate after a couple a bad writers block days. 19000/30000 written for July’s writing goal which puts me at 63.33%. Plotting wise I’ve got about half of the outlines for story arcs written out. I think I’m going to take time to revise these as continuity has become iffy
Message from Outer Space
Sexually Suggestive
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Little shy of my usual daily writing goal today but I’m not feeling the best today. Goal progress is now at 17200/30000
The name Sean Bean bothers me because my brain tells me it should either be pronounced Seen Been or Shawn Bawn and refuses an alternative
Reposted byAvatar Cervine Comedy
Got my writing done for the day. This puts me at 16000/30000 or 53.33% of my July writing goal!
Alien doing some sunbathing. Spoilers for naked aliens
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Reposted byAvatar Cervine Comedy
Reposted byAvatar Cervine Comedy
I forgot how to draw but here’s a bun
I forgot how to draw but here’s a bun
Taking today off from writing. Forcing myself to institute days for this project. I’m trying my best to find ways to keep myself from burning out. I’m super concerned about wearing myself out and dropping out before I finish this. I want to actually finish a project for once
July writing goal progress: 14500/30000. 48.33% of the monthly goal.
Did 2000 words today. less than I have been knocking out but my brain is getting tired from being creative so much lately. Still pretty good!
July writing goal: 12500/30000. This puts me at 41.67% completion.
Got 5000 words written today! Plot is going in wildly different directions than originally planned but it’s much better now i think. Kind of surprised I haven’t introduced any kind of romantic sub plot at all so far