
Calling WNBA fans. Are there any YouTube channels, blogs or podcasts you love that cover women's basketball AND has not deteriorated into the CC/AR delirium? The Next, Her Hoop Stats and Locked on women's basketball are my base right now.
i was going to reply but you just listed the only ones i follow i wish there was a good...i don't know "culture" podcast that talked about stuff like Reese's shoes or some of the fun stuff but i haven't found one of those i've liked yet.
You are spot on about needing some WNBA style coverage. My neighbors at the Storm games are sneaker heads and always provide the details on who's wearing what and it is fun.
I've started listening to The Athletic's Women's Basketball Show after people on the W subreddit mentioned it. It's good. Like The Next in tone but a bit more jokey in place and with far fewer adds (this year they've really kicked those into gear)
I never bothered because I have been underwhelmed with the Athletic coverage of wbb. You are the second person to recommend so I will give it a shot.
yeah I agree with you on the reporting 100%.