
Ugh, this is how we lose freely available, nationally run, gnss services and start paying for positioning data. No mention in this article of RTK or other gnss constellations, which would make this more transparently bullshit: “we’d like to make gps a paid service that’s less useful.”
“we’d like to make gps a paid (to us) service we can modulate the quality of based on exec whims and whatever excuses we can give to customers that day.” I hate it when they try to privatize things that are doing well because they desire a monopoly on something people need.
So, I'm going to have to pay to know how far my fairway shot is to the green? I'm going to have to guess between a 9 iron and a 5 wood? That sux golf balls. ⛳
The one application mentioned in the article is autonomous vehicles. I don't really see how super-GPS is supposed to make them better at avoiding pedestrians.
Well, you see, each pedestrian subscribes to activate this chip we'll inject into them. Chip fee's not paid, cars can't see you.
FWIW as an industry insider I am pretty certain that the only reason this is getting traction is that the US gov currently is throwing money at LEO GNSS alternatives in order to have redundancy in case of conflict
The autonomous systems etc use cases are mostly BS, you can do just fine with existing GNSS constellations. But having redundancy in LEO where you can launch a bunch of satellites for change is very appealing.
(they're also making massive investments in more GPS satellites that are orders of magnitude larger)
These ones wouldn't have the encrypted signal to prevent spoofing or did I miss it?
All new GPS satellites support M-code. Or do you mean the proposed LEO constellation? I think they're planning to use encryption to stop people from using it without paying, and they'd be a bit less susceptible in general due to having more power since they're much closer in LEO.
The LEO one, I remember when it was just the error insertion with the DAGR units, the new constellation is quite the upgrade, but I didn't see anything about it in this, and trusting codes to Musk...
I’m still annoyed 10 days later by breathless gee-whiz SpaceX-not-government-contractor crap when it’s been on the table for 7 years that USG actively desires the thing and will support efforts towards it with demo funds, DOD & DOT consultation, facility access, and strong hints it’ll be a customer
*Runs out to stock up on Rand-McNally Road Atlases* 😬
Bring back AAA Tripticks!
Bring back it not being weird to roll down your window and shout to random strangers, “Hey! How do I get back to the highway!” (Etc.). Wait, on second thought, no don’t bring that back, I still don’t want to have to talk to people. 😅😬🤦‍♂️
Same, still don't want to talk to people, be nice if people didn't talk to me either. Ah, the phones ringing, there, ringer silenced. I'd say bring back: PAYING ATTENTION TO WHERE YOU ARE GOING NOT THE GIANT TABLET COMPUTER NEXT TO THE STEERING WHEEL
I did that once in Boston, in the 70s. I was on a street right next to the Lodge Freeway. I needed to be on the Lodge. The local I asked just rolled their eyes. No, you can’t get anywhere in Boston without getting dazed and confused.
Bring back people at gas stations and convenience stores that actually know where the hell they are and can help you get around the town they freaking live and work in.
If you can put it behind a paywall, you can be fucking SURE someone will do it. gives the board and those beholden to the shareholders giant erections to realize then can, and the growing divide fostered by elites that can pay it w/o thinking or caring as support of the SOP. We're all fucked.
Mapquest still works. Aaaaaand repressed memories of printed directions are surfacing again.