
I'll tell y'all this about the Klan. The only folks shocked the Klan exists & does shit are white liberals. The Klan & its supporters are well aware they have never stopped existing. Also all Black southerners know that they are deep in politics & never stopped terror.
The Klan used to leave flyers in the mailboxes of my parents neighborhood back in the 90s. If I had to venture a guess, I would say all of their recruitment efforts moved to facebook.
No, it’s in almost everything now. Left Hand Path religions being an open lure entryway as well. They look for the dissatisfied young male, feed them self empowering propaganda wherein there is an enemy they compare themselves to. Luring them to the next goalposts until they guide themselves
The Klan was active in my NC hometown in the 90s, and I can't imagine they've gotten any less so since. "Funny" story: A local preacher had his radio show canceled for not paying his broadcast fees. He claimed "discrimination" by protesting outside the station in his Grand Dragon hood and robe.